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Messages - eaglesnester

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: accubrake
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:55:18 AM »
Go for it. If you are worried about the noise, get yourself a set of electronic pro ears.  They will muffle sudden loud noise and still allow you to hear the deer munching on acorns and or getting up and bounding away at 50 yards.  I have a brake on my 338/378 and love it.  The brake will also allow you to see POI better as you will not be looking at the moon after you touch er off.

African / Re: too much gun?
« on: April 16, 2012, 09:57:39 AM »
there ante no such thing as too much gun when hunting dangerous CPX4 game. Enough said.  I live in northern British Columbia Canada and a lot of folks think a 375H&H is too much gun for up here.  I feel safe  in the bush when I carry the old ouch&ouch, and you will too when you carry the 460 in Africa

Elk / Re: 338-378 Wby on Elk
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:11:56 PM »
The Weatherby 340 does buck a bit but it is easy to master without the brake if you are not recoil shy. My hunting partner has one and I have shot it numerous times and it is accurate (sub moa).

Elk / Re: 338-378 Wby on Elk
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:46:06 AM »
The 338/378 is the hammer of Thor on anything in North America, including the big Alaskan browns. This caliber  is capable of putting a 300 grain burger in a 10 inch pie plate at 1000 meters and beyond.  You shoot anything in North America in the right place with this rifle and it will be DIRT, Texas speak for, dead right there.  I shoot 225 grain Burger TTSX with 107gr of RE Loader 25 and am getting .435 inch groups at 100 measured meters on the bench using a Caldwell bipod. I have skim bedded the action and have added a timney trigger set to 2lb let off. I have a Leupold MK lV 6.5X20 - 50MM Tactical scope with TMR cross hairs and Near Pictanney rails and 3 ring Alpha scope mounts. This rifle is a keeper. The recoil is not bad but you do have to hang on to the weapon when you touch it off. I wear electronic ear muffs as the rifle is braked. She be a bit loud. Hope this helps. I have never killed anything with this rifle but there is no doubt in my military mind that it is lethal.

Rifles / Re: upgrade to my Mark V 30-378 to a 338-378
« on: November 14, 2011, 10:39:20 AM »
I shoot and reload the big 338/378 Weatherby.  It along with the 375H&H is the do anything and everything gun.  Some folks like the 340 Weatherby mag, me I like the extra stopping power that gives me the slight edge in the northern interior of British Columbia.  We have large apex predators up here.  My rifle is braked of course and I hunt with the brake in place. I handle the loud rifle report with Pro Ears electronic ear muffs.  They muffle any sound above 85db and amplify quiet sounds. I am able to hear normal speech and deer crunching on acorns 50 yards away.  The rifle kicks fairly stout and is heavy, I do not mind as I have gotten use to it.  I am 67 years old and I still hunt with it all day.  To those that complain about the weight and kick the big Weatherby ante for you.
Now as for a different barrel. If you want to approach 2900-3000 FPS you will need to go to a custom 30inch barrel.  Me if I were going to go that rout, It would be a heavy bull barrel and I would be shooting off a Harris Bipod with 300gr Burger or 300 gr smk out to 1000 meters. I would keep the Weatherby jump to the lands to keep the MV up  For a scope I would go with a Leupold MK IV   tactical in the 6.5 to 20 power range with a 50mm front objective. For a scope mount I would look at the Near MFG mounts with the pictanney rail and 3 ring mount with the rigid one piece bolt on to the pictanney rail.  None of this stuff comes cheap. The Near scope mounts alone are over $500.00 US..

Reloading / Max COAL for 338/378
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:31:07 PM »
I am shooting 300 grain Burger hybrids  with 103.8gr of Retumbo and CCI250 caps.
My question here is can I load long so that I am .150 off the lands without creating excessive pressure?  Loading so that your ogive is .150 inch and closer off lands is recommended by Burger to increase accuracy.  This load was sent to me by Walt Berger, thats just the load data not the COAL he recommended.
Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester

Ammo / Re: My first hunt with the .300 wby
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:52:33 PM »
I shoot a 300 Weatherby Lazermark with 190 grain burgers. I will not lie to you, it does kick a mite. Now I said,  a mite, that does not mean a lot. Can you shoot a 12 guage shotgun over and under with no recoil pad with a slug? the 300 kicks no worse and some would say less.  anyway when you throw down on a big blackie or a moose or that whitetail and you touch er off you ante goen to feel a thing.  so stop worring about kick. what ya got to worry about is breathing, focus, body position, trigger pull and putten the bullet where it needs to be put;. Everything else is secondary.

There ante no flys on the thurty thruty. I shoot a winchester mod 1895 high grade and she is fast light and accurate. what more could anybody want in a rifle?  She be a bit light for some game as I hunt in the interior of northern British Columbia bit I still hunt with her anyway.  I have to pick my shots and place my bullets accurately, but we all do that anyway, don't we?

Rifles / Re: My experience with my 338/378 MV
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:23:11 AM »
I got my rifle 338/378 back from Dave Jennings in Pritchard B.C. and the problem with the rounds hanging and jamming under bolt face  when loading, was due to a faulty fouler spring.
Dave replaced the spring and now all is good.
For those of you trying to develope loads for the 338/378 try TTSX 225 gr with CCI 250 caps and two grains over max indicated load in Barnes reloading manual.  107gr RE25 works like a hot damn for me, 5 shot groups at .435 inch, 100 meters.  I did have Dave Jennings pillar bed this gun. Before pillar bedding the rifle was shooting about .75MOA on a good day.

Rifles / Re: My experience with my 338/378 MV
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:46:08 AM »
Dave Jennings simply polished the edges of the magazine box on my 338/378 and it solved the hard difficult loading problem of pushing rounds down the fouler plate into the mag. box.

Rifles / My experience with my 338/378 MV
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:15:36 AM »
When the rifle was new out of the box I could not load the weapon from the top of the magazine.
Sent the rifle to Weatherby Rep Dave Jennings of Jennings Outdoor Sports for adjustment.
Rifle cam back problem fixed. While he had the rifle there I had him Pillar Bed and Skim Bed the action.  Rifle shoots a group of 5 rounds off a 6-9inch Caldwell bipod with rear sandbag off a bench of .435" During this range time the fouler magazine spring broke;. Dave Jennings sent me a new one. This spring was also faulty but I did not know it. I did know however that the brass hung up in the action while trying to shove another live round up the pipe.; I again sent the rifle back to Dave Jennings for adjustment.  I have the rifle back and it is now functoning and feeding rounds as per specifications.  Thats twice in the mail over 160 bucks in expences for postage, insurance back to factory rep for adjustment of a new out of the box Weatherby rifle. What is going on with Weatherby QC? You pay $2000 bucks for a rifle you do not expect to have to send it back for adjustments.  I hope this new fouler spring holds up and will keep the rifle servicable. Any one else having problems with fouler springs going south on you and your rifle not feeding properly?

Not sure if it was the pillar bedding or the right powder bullet combo and pillar bedding that took me to .435MOA at 100meters.  I was gobsmaked after I squeezed off the last round. Could not believe me eyes with the group. Shoot I had holes in holes.

Dave Jennings of Jennings outdoor sports who is the Weatherby Rep for all of Canada did the Pillar Bedding.  The reason for the pillar bedding is that even rifles that come equipped with the alum CNC machined bedding block still can benefit from a proper bedding job.  I had to send the rifle to Dave anyway as the magazine box opening was so stiff I was unable to load shells from the chamber into the magazine as I am 67 years old and the artheritis is catching up with me and my hands. (S**it I hate getting old).  In order to do so I had to load rounds through the floor plate  One other thing while I was on the range shooting that spectacular group the fouler plate spring broke, I have Dave Jennings sending me one as we speak.  Befor the pillar bedding the rifle was only about a 1.5 - 2 MOA rifle. I wanted better and I knew that some minor changes would get me there. I also have a timmney trigger on order for this rifle. As for bullet powder combo I got very lucky on finding the correct formula so quickly.  I had tried 225 Hornady interbond and RE25 , with only so so results, about 1.5 MOA.  I have also tried Burger 300gr hybreds with Retumbo and the results are still out on them, going to have to try some more powder combos and charge weights, Any suggestions from the 338/378 old hands?
Now as for the glass on top of the beast, I stuck on a set of Near Picatinney tripple ring scope mounts - at around 500 bucks Canadian.  The Scope is a Leupold MK!V 6.5X20-50MM Long Range Tactical with TMR recticles, side paralex correction, and tactical turrets in second focal plane. Do I ever like that scope. I sometimes wonder if loading  107 grains of powder makes me that much better than the Weatherby 340,  When you get right down to it they ante that much further apart in performance with a 26 inch tube.  I think that the 338/378 nees a 30 inch tube to really stretch its legs and show what it is capabable of.1000 meters and beyond is doable easy with a 30 inch barrel for sure.
Cheers & Tighter Groups Everybody and good hunting this season; Eaglesnester

Took the 338/378 MK V to the range yesterday and loaded it with 225gr Barnes TTSX and 107gr of RE25. Was shooting off a solid bench with a caldwell 6-9" bipod and sandbag on the rear. First shot with cold clean barrel 2"low dead center target. Chroney at 10 feet said 3125-3146 FPS 10 feet from the muzzle.  Next four shot a .435"group at 100 meters. I am a happy camper. Ready for elk or maybe a moose 19 Sept up Chetwin B.C. Way. Going to spend a week back in there should come up with something. Bear  and whitetail are also open.

Ilive in Northern interior of B.C. Canada and it has rained almost every day this month and last month. Our temps have been on the coolish side, low 50es low 60es. The whole interior is turning into a jungle. The grass is butt deep and the wildlife is loving it. The bears are as fat and round as basketballs.  Should be a great deer, moose, elk, bear, fall hunt this year, I can hardly wait. Youall down in the lower 48 must be living in a oven with the heat.  I am still burning wood in my wood stove in the familly room downstairs in the daylight walk out basement. One thing though the rainbow in the lake out back are not biting with all the rain and falling barometer.  Too bad as we have had a great mayfly hatch this year. Walked down to the pier today and there were hulls all over the surface of the water.

Cheers & TIghter Groups: Eaglesnester

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