« on: November 20, 2024, 08:33:15 PM »
I now own two centerfire 30 cal Thunder Beast suppressors. A Ultra 9 Gen2 (9") and a Dominus (6.25"). I have friends that had suppressors for a while but never really considered using them until I started developing a load for another friends 300 Winchester. I fell in love with shooting rifles with suppressors. I'm now shooting my 300 Wby, 264Wby, 300 Blackout, 223, 6 BR, and 22's. I'll eventually get my 257 set up to use them. I tend to sit in one spot and usually in a blind so they suit me and it's just an absolute pleasure to shoot with them. Lots of guys are shortening their barrels to shoot with suppressors and I'm not opposed to that. The older I get the less interested I am in running rifles on the ragged edge. It's nice not to have to carry earmuffs in my backpack too.