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Messages - SixShooter14

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To be honest...I don't like that they've done it. But I wasn't going to watch or support them anyway. Same goes for all the other sports. target shooting is the only 'sport' I care about. Aside from hunting and fishing which I don't consider sports. The objective is to take a life, that's not something I'd call a 'sport'

supposedly...the starter, battery, and electrical components are more beefier on the auto start/stop models. But, I'm not convinced.

my 2016 F150 doesn't have it, and I'm glad. Though it can be rid of. My office has a Fusion with it, and it's rather annoying.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: One posters
« on: August 01, 2019, 08:37:07 PM »
Yep, I belong to several forums and they all have those. It's almost as bad that have a genuine problem and go through several posts of trying to fix it, then they just disappear. Never letting anyone know if they fixed the problem or not. Just the nature of internet forums, I guess.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Bourbon
« on: July 23, 2019, 08:24:45 PM »
I'm just a poor hillbilly, I like Jack Daniels. But of course I've not been spoiled by any of that good stuff either.

And for some reason, it just taste better from the bottle.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Bourbon
« on: July 22, 2019, 05:03:53 PM »
well, no bourbon...But I've got JD and sweet tea....and a great dog.

What a great land we live in.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Heat
« on: July 22, 2019, 04:52:55 PM »
Grouchy, you sound a lot like my dad.

He's got a strange dilemma...There was a nice big gum tree next to his shop that died several years ago. But you know them ole gums, they are stubborn sumbeaches. So it just kinda sat there for a year or 2 before it started rotting and getting dangerous. So he takes his polesaw and extension ladder and trims every limb, leaving just a 30ish foot pole about 30" diameter at the bottom....Another year passes and the pole is just as solid as ever. He's just hanging bird houses from it...Then my lovely mother buys one of those metal carports and just has it set in her mind to put it next to his shop right where that tree is.....And she wants a fine-gravel floor under it so she can do crafts and such with a roof and nice floor.

Well, ok, we'll just cut down that old pole. No problem, but now we've got a big ole stump that's not showing the slightest signs of rot, just as hard as ever.... Alrighty...We could grind it, but then them big roots would rot away and the ground would get soft and sink where the roots were causing issues on the surface....So, we could take some diesel and soak it and burn it up...Same problem, the roots burn out and the ground may take years to fully settle...

Well, I just happen to have a Deere track-loader with a backhoe, and we have a couple tractors with front loaders....but NO, that's too much trouble.

My father has been digging that big ole stump out with a shovel, mattock, and axe. He's been going for about 6 months and he's got a hole about 8ft across and 5ft deep now....and he's still digging around the roots and stump. He doesn't really know what to do, but he's doing it.

You might have guessed by now, my dad is not too keen on my mom setting up her shop so closely to his shop...But it's obviously not an argument he can win.

I was looking at bronze sculptures a while back as well. A small longhorn cow roughly 1ftx1ftx1ft was between $2k-5k, I can certainly see a full size man being $150k. It's is rather ridiculous, but I also have no idea what goes into making one, nor do I have any kind of artistic ability to make one myself.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Walmart
« on: July 13, 2019, 10:24:04 PM »
yeah, most of our WM do still sell guns. But rarely is there someone in the sporting goods section. And when there is, rarely do they know much about anything.

Luckily, I've not been to a walmart in over a year. And it's been even longer since I bought anything more than medicine there.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Which caliber
« on: July 13, 2019, 10:15:22 PM »
I would get the one I got the best deal on, being a cheap bastard!  ;D   The 270 would be a great back up elk and everything else to your 300.
This is my thoughts as well.

The .300WBY you have is great for pronghorn to elk. Especially if you handload. So really all the rest are just for novelty....Just go with the first one you find that just speaks to you (or your wallet)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: For sharpshooters
« on: June 24, 2019, 06:15:23 PM »
Free ones where I print mine - https://www.targetz.com/fun01.htm
thanks, I'll be printing some off as well.

That is indeed a very nice looking rifle.

maybe it looks goofy, but you can't argue with results.

a doe at 205yds standing freehand. Probably my single most proud shot.

Yep, I run one on my 7mmRemMag Vanguard. As well as my brother on his .300Wby Vanguard.
The 7mm runs about 2" or so from the stock. and the .300 is about 4" from the stock.

Both rifles showed improvement. The 7mm is Sub-MOA with every bullet I've tried from factory 140grn corelokt to a 168grn LRX handload and 5 shot in single-hole 150grn Ballistic Silvertip handloads.

Archery / Re: Any new bows or crossbows this year?
« on: May 24, 2019, 10:53:29 PM »
I also picked up a used Halon 32-6 just a few days ago. Gonna probably get a new string and set it up next week.

Archery / Re: Any new bows or crossbows this year?
« on: May 24, 2019, 10:51:15 PM »
didn't do great, hit a few 5s that cost me a positive score. 2 were mis-setting my sight tape and one was just from allowing myself to creep before the shot broke.

But I still shot my average score of the mid-190s so without the 5s, I would have had better than average scores.

The shop owner that I shoot with won the ASA last weekend in the K-40 class and another local shooter won his Senior class. So hopefully I can keep hanging around with these guys and maybe learn a few things. Lesson 1: shoot more.

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