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Messages - Marishka

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The father was completely within his rights when he fired the first shot. That was self defense and the defense of his daughter. However, when the intruder stopped aggressing then turned and ran away, for the 2nd and 3rd shots, it was no longer self defense or defense of other. That is because the threat had ceased and the person acting as a threat stopped his aggressions and turned, and was fleeing the scene when the 2nd and third shots were fired.

I do not know of such a bill and doubt seriously if such would be presented by an sane person. It appears that ilegal guns and bad dealers are now the targets and that is a good thing.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/as-gun-violence-soars-biden-to-target-rogue-dealers-illegal-firearms-in-new-crime-strategy/ar-AALlnLp?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531

SCOTUS is now the barrier!

My understanding of those called Red Flag Laws are laws that permit the taking of a person's guns if it appears that said person is a danger to himself or others.

This type law does not violate the 2nd Amendment. It is a law that can be used under circumstances never considered by the founders of this country, Back then, insanity was not understood now were they aware of the danger that can be experienced by a woman or person by one or more who do not respect the law and will do violence to others even though doing it is very illegal.

There are numerous examples. Dealing with the mentally, there have been instances when an insane person has been released back into society under conditions of a bleeding heart social worker who refuses to accept the truth or a psychiatrist committing malpractice because he/she either misses something or whose political views get in the way of rendering a proper diagnosis. And other similar anomalies. No matter what, the eb=nd result has been, un a number of cases, a nut on the street with a loaded gun who starts shooting and killing people for no reason whatsoever and who may not even understand the result of those shooting acts.

Now, consider your Mom out at shops doing some shopping and she comes in front of this nut who shoots her in the head and kills her. That is what proper red flag laws are in place to prevent. So, who of you would say that what I describe is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. If you do, explain why.

Well, it was interesting to watch and listen to CNN for the last hour as substantial Republicans dumped on Trump and Graham and spoke of being independent or even backing democrats. Only assholes do not understand that this is not a football game, it is the future of democracy, Those assholes are too damn dumb to know this. What you can watch for, as events of Trump erosion, are things like Giuliani being disbarred due to acts equal to a felony. He is admitted in New York and knew what he was doing for money. When he was NYC mayor, he was a lot smarter and at his request I did favors for him. That is because what he wanted was good for the people and not for either political party. Those with half a brain understand that Trump came close to and perhaps did destroy the Republican party.  Only time will tell. If he did, it is very bad for this country for to have balance it is necessary to have two strong political parties. If Greene is the paradigm of the Republican party, then it is destroyed and we will all have to wait and see the results. All who are smart will ask why George W. Bush and his crew were and are against Trump. And, they are just part of the Republican move to remove the bad apples. The last thing any smart person wants is to have the democrats or any single political party have full control. That can never be permitted to happen. But, if the Republicans do not dump Trump, that is what we will face and that will put us on the wrong path due to the destruction of the balance given by two stron parties. 

The removal of extremists from the armed forces of the U.S.A. is essential to is proper existence. If allowed to stay, they threaten all military codes and the structure of this country. All veterans, like myself, understand this. That which must control is the U.S. Constitution and its governance pursuant to the U.S. Code of Military Justice. And, no matter who or what weeds out undesirables, they need to go as they threaten democracy. Certainly, Eisenhower would have done it! And, understand, the present Republican Party is no longer what it used to be nor does it, as a group, adhere to the principles off that party that controlled until the rise of the ReTrumplicans. Notwithstanding that, it is reported that 25% or more of Republicans look at ReTrumplicans with a jaundiced eye because Trump sought to be a dictator. He failed and that 25% can cause the Re[publicans, as the Retrumplicans, to be a non-party. 

With regard to this, non-veterans do not have or do not want to have an understanding of this. But, understand that if extremists are permitted to be in or remain, we then have a conflicted military that is conflicted against itself and that can never be without ultimate disaster. Permitting them in or to stay is to permit those who fraudulently took their oath of allegiance. That makes them no different that an enemy spy infiltrator who seeks to destabilize the U.S. military from within. That can never be permitted! But, in some instances, apparently has. So, those who are in must be expelled. The military of the U.S. is not and never was to be political. It is to be governed by the United States Constitution and not some wack job's interpretation thereof.

Now, we see here complaints of the efforts to attack the U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment. But, when doing that ask what gives to those far left wack jobs the ammunition to attack. Then look to the far right, the threat to kidnap and do harm to Michigan's Governor, the attack on this country by them on January 6th at which time their chants were to do harm to Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker nancy Pilosi and to disrupt democracy. Then consider Greene.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Fight HR 127
« on: February 01, 2021, 02:34:05 PM »
I just learned of HR 127 that some jackass or jackasses are trying to make law here. It must be vigorously opposed by all.

Take a look.


You will like it. i have the very same on which I have mounted a Leupold 3.5-14 VX-7. Half inch groups at 100 yards are not a problem. Good luck with it. I love mine.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: U S Capitol
« on: January 22, 2021, 06:43:30 PM »
Well Para, your post immediately followed mine. So, because of that, my inference was correct. If your intent was not to attack, you should have considered the post that you followed and, on that point yes, reading is fundamental.

Now that you advise that it was not an attack on me. I withdraw the accusation. But, it did sound like it.

Notwithstanding that, giving reliable information is essential if you do not wish to be questioned because of what you post. Presumption is improper when you elect to criticize by by citing events that may or may not exist. That is a problem and unless you make it clear what you are referring to, no person can tell anyone what you were referring to without a crystal ball.

No matter what, the January 6 attack on this country was heinous and all involved, from the instigators to the actors need to be severely punished. So, yes, there is great anger and sensitivity here seeing something happen that had only been accomplished once on this country's history. And, to see a Confederate flag, the flag of a known enemy of the United States of America, waived in this country's capitol made my blood boil.

I know Giuliani from when he was the NYC mayor and am shocked by his instigating the attackers on this country. He may very well be disbarred as a consequence.

And, I must comment on ANTIFA, in my opinion a known group of terrorists who apparently are funded by Soros and perhaps others. When, actually, if you look at Soros and how he gained his wealth which was as a Hitler collaborator, it does not take much more to see that the intent of ANTIFA has nothing to do with any efforts by others like BLM. Instead, that group exploits what it can in an effort to further destabilize this country.

In closing, no I do not know you and I am not angered by your response. I do say that you need to explain yourself and your posts so that you are not misunderstood. And, to point at one political party and not the other as defective needs to be explained. Both parties have too many whores. You appear to embrace the Republican party and, if you do, instead of criticizing the Democrats, if you are that concerned you need to be doing what you can to assist that political party to shed Trump and rebuild itself so that it is strong. Just look at how many major Republicans have distanced themselves in disgust of that which has become that referred to as Retrumplicans. For certain, this country needs two strong political parties. For decades I have heard the Republicans proudly refer to the Republican party as the party of Abraham Lincoln. Because of Trump, they can no longer say that. Clearly, Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan would all vomit if they saw what Trump has caused the Republican party to become. So, instead of attacking Democrats, act to repair the Republican party so that it can be rescued form he clearly who sought to be the Dictator of the USA.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Keystone Pipeline
« on: January 22, 2021, 05:59:49 PM »
If this is true, the question is very good? For true unity, transparency - across the board - is essential.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: U S Capitol
« on: January 18, 2021, 08:34:29 PM »
To respond to the attack of Para 45, whatever that moniker is supposed to mean or stand for, it appears that he supports the attack on the United States of America on January 6, 2021. In doing that, he tries to justify an attack on this country because there were demonstrations by others that did not even hint on attacking this country. Had they done that, I would attack and condemn them. As or ANTIFA, they too are terrorists who mare backed aby another billionaire named Soros who I understand was a collaborator with Hitler. But, I doubt that he knew that.

What is he saying happened in this country for the last 7-8 months. I would like to know and I am certain that he does not know and cannot specifically document any such events.

The big thing is that he supports that attack on this country and tries to justify it. Well, one thing is for certain, doing that he certainly is no patriot. Neither is Trump!

Those who attacked this country will soon understand what I said in my post about what a prosecutor will say. And, if he is one if them, he should do us all a favor by sending his orange jump suit size to the FBI.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: U S Capitol
« on: January 18, 2021, 05:56:17 PM »

I agree that the attack on this country, by the insurrection at the capitol, on January 6 will give a substantial amount of fuel on the gun control fire. And, that which will reinforce that is individuals who, after the 6th, have appeared at State capitols armed with displayed AR-15 and AR-15 type semi-automatic rifles.

One must ask why any of these events occurred. We all know that assaulting a police officer is a criminal act and if any of those so acting on the 6th have any knowledge of what makes up this country and its checks and balances know that the reason with have our Separation of Powers Doctrine is to prevent any one of the three branches from acting only as the other two branches are authorized to act.

But for the insurrection, it was clear to me that, with Justice Barrett, that any law put into place to severely restrict the Second Amendment would be overturned by then Supreme Court. Now, because of the insurrection and that citizens of the United States of America would actually carry such an act out, that belief has been shattered. Like me, Barrett is a Christian. As a Christian abhorrence of that which would be or is a lynch mob comes without saying. Thou shalt not kill.

As a criminal defense lawyer who is considered - by certain national legal organizations - as among the top 100 criminal defense attorneys of the State of New York, I have seen many, many cases and some where members of a mob who did not think the real violence of killing would occur, saw that in that environment the not serious words of killing became actual words of killing. Now a cop and four others are dead. A legal analysis, with the facts of the 6th, means some and perhaps many or all will ultimately be charged with felony murder. And, the fantasy, that Trump won the election and that they say that is what they believed, will not fly. Tune in to Court TV and of you watch it enough you will see many who raise such defenses get convicted.     

Frankly, openly carrying a gun to a state capitol has only one purpose, intimidation. That is what prosecutors will hammer home to a jury and or a judge. We all know that. And, we all know that Trump lost. Just look at Georgia, a Republican controlled state. Now, Trump says those Republicans fixed the election that they controlled. What sane person would ever believe that.

So, now there needs to be a display of sanity with guns, by expression and not demonstration. That, I believe, may mitigate, to some degree, all of the actions that have provided huge fuel to those who would weaken the 2nd Amendment.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: United
« on: January 13, 2021, 08:03:20 AM »

Think on what I write below before you start to move wagons into a losing and damaging circle. We are all Americans, but not those who would advocate for or attack our capital.
Prior to WW II, we had the American Bund (Nazis). They had a huge presence on Long Island and a presence all over this country. Most certainly, they were being watched by the FBI. So, they purportedly ceased to exist. They did not and are still here. But, not nearly as strong as then. No matter, they are still here and have been emboldened by Trump. And, now, they have parallel groups like the Proud Boys, etc. So we have a sickness in our society hat needs to be ejected.
On the 6th, we saw them all rally around he who appears to be their new leader, a sick sociopath named Donald Trump. He brought them together as they have never been able to accomplish. And, now, we can see them and those who side with them here n facebook and all over. And, the conclusion that has been drawn is that all who voted for Donald Trump are totally in with them. They are not.                                                         

I have known and spoken to many who are in the voted for Trump category and while we who are opposed to Trump fear his fascism and attempt at dictatorship, they too have fears that caused them to vote for Trump. And their fears are not in the category of anything that might violate civil or human rights. Their fears are legitimate.                         

What they fear is that the Democrats have gone and are going so far to the left that they are becoming socialists and/or communists. This fear is fed by the amount of attention given to people like Ocasio-Cortez and that fear is accompanied by another which is the Democrats attacking the Constitution, specifically the 2nd Amendment. IO too fear both even though I am a lifelong Democrat, I have questions about where the Democratic Parry is headed. So, understand these fears and that they are legitimate. If the Democrats do these things they will alienate more and more and will solidify the anti-Democratic sentiment that is now and has been growing.                                                           

If the Republican Party was still the part of Eisenhower and Goldwater and if the Democratic Party was still the party of John F. Kennedy, these fears would not exist for that which is done by both parties has moves them far from what they were and from what most of their members want them to be. But, I see hope with Murkowski and Cheney and believe that I see hope with Biden and Harris.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2020, 03:52:27 PM »
As this Christmas Eve wanes and Christmas moves closer and closer, I wish for all of you to enjoy a very merry and safe Christmas.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Veterans Day
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:01:52 AM »
On Veterans Day.

As an honorably discharged veteran, in March of 1967 from the U.S. Army, and I served my country, this country, proudly and stand behind the oath I took when I joined to this day.

I joined because of the words of JFK and am appalled that so many care nothing about serving this country and believe their refusal to serve is justified by thanking veterans for their service.

To me selective service registration should continue for all if, for no other reason, to make all understand their obligation to serve if called. Presently, there is no understanding of that. In fact, the opposite is the rule and should a draft be re-imposed it would create a storm of protest across the country because of that fact and the refusal to be willing to serve.

If the U.S. elected officials want to thank me and the other veterans for our service, do not do it in empty words. Talk is cheap! Do it by acting to protect the U.S. Constitution and by putting into place legislation that will bolster instead of weakening the U.S. Constitution. That includes protecting the 2nd Amendment.

You can also look at how the U.S. Supreme Court modified the 11th amendment so that even judges who issue malicious decisions and orders cannot be sued. The 11th Amendment was never meant to allow for that and the only way that bad judges can be kept in check is by removing that modification of the11th Amendment so that law suits can act as effective checks and balances.

Politicians should do these things and more to protect that which public officials across the U.S. swore to uphold and protect, by complying with your oath, and - if done - will be a much greater and more sincere act of thanking us for our service by your properly carrying out yours.

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