« on: July 16, 2016, 07:51:16 PM »
Well, I finally got my 6.5-300 in ULW and got the scope mounted and headed to the range with some handloads. I loaded up some ALRs in 129gr and some Swift Scirroccos in 130gr. Both were charged with Reloader 33 in 87.5gr. Seating depth was right at maxCOL, 3.560. I was shooting in the barrel with cleaning between each round fired. The Accubonds were very promising with groups around 7/8" despite cleaning. After 10 rounds fired I switched to the Scirroccos and that is where things went downhill. My handloads were all over 2" groups and I had some factory ammo and those grouped greater than 3". I was shooting well that day, as I had 2 other seasoned rifles with me that were both grouping at 1/2". The powder charge seemed to be about right; no chronograph, but slightly flattened primers, no headstamping and no bolt stickiness.
I think I will try H50BMG next, and rework the Accubond LRs and see if I can find some Hornady ELD-X bullets to try. Overall, I love the rifle, but no perfect loads yet to report. Thanks to all those who have chimed in on this post. Curt.