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Messages - curthopson

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Reloading / Re: 6.5-300 Wby
« on: December 25, 2022, 08:58:57 PM »
I own both a Mark V Ultralight and a Vanguard 2 and they are both happiest with Barnes 120gr TTX bullets.  Luckily both guns shoot the same load very well.  I fired over 500 rounds in load development for these 2 rifles :-\.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Merry Christmas Nation !!
« on: December 25, 2022, 08:52:59 PM »
Merry Christmas to all and a prosperous new year as well.
I am back after a few years away, and I recognize a few of you from many years ago.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Good 270 Weatherby Loads
« on: October 05, 2017, 07:13:18 PM »
Here is my favorite 270wby load for your consideration:
Nosler brass
Federal GM215 match primers
Barnes 129gr LRX with a BC of .463
Reloder 22--- 72.0gr
COL 3.290--I add a light Lee crimp dye crimp
3425fps and wicked accurate(1/2 MOA easily)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Elk hunt cartridge
« on: April 19, 2017, 09:27:02 PM »
I think the 340 WBY with a Barnes 210gr bullet is the best elk combo ever. Having said that, most of the time I use an elk hunt as an excuse to pull out the 416 WBY. A 300gr Barnes TSX bullet sent at 3100fps is just the coolest thing I do out in the field. It is amazing what a big bull can absorb in terms of firepower. Take all you can shoot well. Curt.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: .240 Wby
« on: April 15, 2017, 08:10:54 PM »
You should definitely own a 240 Weatherby. A few years back I was mentoring my 14 years old son in hunting. I purchased a 240 WBY Vanguard right when they came out in the S2. As we worked up handloads, the Hornady GMX 80gr was unbelievably accurate. I was a little worried, because we had a deer, antelope and spike elk tag that year. BTW, he bonded with the rifle immediately in the load work-up phase because it was so docile to shoot.
The order of his three kills that year was antelope, then deer, and elk last. The distances were 210, 342 and 125 yards. No animal was on it's feet more than 3 seconds after trigger pull and they were all stone dead with an 80gr projectile. That year changed my mind about how much rifle is enough. Best $600 rifle out there. You won't buy more accuracy if you spend $3000 more. Curt

Thanks for sharing that information. I sure could have used that data back in July and August when I was struggling to find a load to hunt with this fall. I do have to report that I took a nice buck in Montana last weekend with my 6.5-300. The shot was ranged at 476 yards with a Barnes 130gr TSX. I was amazed at the destruction that bullet did to the chest cavity of that buck. Complete pudding. Very impressive first experience with this new caliber. Curt.

Great study. Looks like good science. This may change my selection of bullets/loads in the future. Thanks. Curt.

I hear a lot of good things about this caliber, but now that I own a 6.5-300 Weatherby, I just can't get very excited about forfeiting 450fps. My 6.5-300 is easily sub-MOA and sends a 127gr Barnes TTSX at 3470fps. A 140gr bullet around 3050fps, even if it is fractionally more accurate, I feel is a far inferior projectile. If I was shooting paper I would probably feel differently. I only do load work-up to be an effective hunter, so I have a bias toward speed and downrange energy.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 6.5-300 reloading data
« on: July 30, 2016, 01:43:33 PM »
Another range trip under my belt with the 6.5-300. I had the chronograph with me this time. I had 2 different loads worked up. The first was a load with the 129gr Accubond LR in front of 90.5gr of H50BMG and the second was the Hornady 120gr GMX in front of 92.0gr of H50BMG. The mean velocity for the ALR was 3340 and for the GMX it was 3465. The groups were very acceptable at 3/4-7/8 inch for both loads. I think I am going to make up 50 of the Hornady GMX and declare the rifle ready to hunt. BTW, I have 40-45 rounds down the barrel and the seating depth for both loads was 3.580 which is .020 over maxCOL. Please share any other good load data you find for this rifle. I think I am through with 100 degree range days for a while. Curt.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 6.5-300 reloading data
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:53:11 PM »
Nice job MM. I am closing I on a little success with a very similar load. I put together some Accubond LRs 129gr in front of 90.5gr of H50BMG. My primer is a Federal 215 match and my seating depth is 3.575, which is about .015 over maxCOL. My groups were consistently 3/4" on a very windy, gusty day(20-25mph). I also acquired some Hornady 120gr GMX that I am anxious to try with a very similar load and depth. For now, I think I have a shooter with the above ALR load. I am going to make a few more, and maybe try some Retumbo, but I am excited too declare the gun ready to hunt as is. Next time I return from the range I will post some pictures. Curt.

I too had no luck with the 130gr Swift Scirrocos. I started with handloads of Nosler Accubond LRs/Reloader 33 and was getting under 1" groups despite cleaning between each round per barrel break-in regimen  As I passed 10 rounds I switched to Swift Scirroco/Reloader 33 handloads and the factory ammo. The range session quickly became a disaster as the groups opened up to 2". Next session I will go back to the ALRs and some H50BMG and change the seating depth a bit. My rifle is a ULW. Love the caliber, love the new trigger, but 2" groups won't cut it. I was shooting well that day, as I had 2 other seasoned Weatherbys that were printing 1/2" groups at will. Sometimes I forget how long it takes to get these rifles dialed in. Curt.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 6.5-300 reloading data
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:51:16 PM »
Well, I finally got my 6.5-300 in ULW and got the scope mounted and headed to the range with some handloads. I loaded up some ALRs in 129gr and some Swift Scirroccos in 130gr. Both were charged with Reloader 33 in 87.5gr.  Seating depth was right at maxCOL, 3.560. I was shooting in the barrel with cleaning between each round fired. The Accubonds were very promising with groups around 7/8" despite cleaning. After 10 rounds fired I switched to the Scirroccos and that is where things went downhill. My handloads were all over 2" groups and I had some factory ammo and those grouped greater than 3". I was shooting well that day, as I had 2 other seasoned rifles with me that were both grouping at 1/2". The powder charge seemed to be about right; no chronograph, but slightly flattened primers, no headstamping and no bolt stickiness. 
I think I will try H50BMG next, and rework the Accubond LRs and see if I can find some Hornady ELD-X bullets to try.  Overall, I love the rifle, but no perfect loads yet to report. Thanks to all those who have chimed in on this post. Curt.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / 6.5-300 reloading data
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:09:40 PM »
Greetings fellow Weatherbytarians. My friend and I each have an RC Accumark in 6.5-300 ordered. We found some limited load data using a google search, but want to get your input. We have Nosler AccubondLR 129gr and Swift Scirroco 130gr bullets and Reloader 33, Retumbo, H50BMG, etc. Any suggestions for a powder range and COL? Thanks in advance for any help. Now, if Weatherby would just produce the brass and ship the guns we could have a fun spring project. Thanks in advance for any help. Curt.

Here is a third to throw into the mix. Vortex Viper 6.5-20X44. They are on sale at Midway right now for 329.00. You would be fine with all three, but you would save up to a grand by putting the Vortex on there. Three good choices. Curt.

Put the best on your rifle.  Buy a Near Manufacturing Alphamount.  They will make a 10, 20 ,or 30 MOA decline for you and they will match the gun and scope perfectly. The best comes with a pricetag, but you will be happy with the result. I don't work up a gun with anything else. nearmfg.com. Curt

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