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Messages - dougfinn

Pages: [1]
Rifles / Re: Discuss the Weatherby Mark V® Deluxe
« on: October 21, 2022, 01:11:26 PM »
I have to agree with most of the posters about the beauty of theses rifles and the way the stocks fits so well. To the last poster, they are beautiful rifles but like anything there will be slip ups now and then, your chamber problem being one. My Deluxe MK5 came with some machining damage to the bore. Sent it in for warranty work and 7 months later it arrived looking as good as ever and with a bore that looked as good as the rest of the rifle. Contact the warranty department and I’m sure they’ll make it good. Might take a while though.

Rifles / Winning the wood lottery
« on: December 30, 2021, 08:43:29 AM »
It’s always a roll of the dice buying a rifle online. The pics can only show you so much. Anyway I had been looking for a MK V in .257 for some time with no luck. Found a few with synthetic stocks but I had my heart set on a walnut deluxe model. Came across a lasermark that looked pretty nice in the pics. Clicked the buy button and the wait started. Well is showed up and to say the pics didn’t do it justice would be an understatement. Tiger striping the full length of the stock and on both sides. I’m a very happy guy.

Rifles / Restocking Vanguard series 2 .375 H&H
« on: August 13, 2020, 09:54:21 AM »
Hi all. New member here. I have a couple of vanguard series 2, one in 7mm-08 and the other in .375 H&H. Both great rifles. I have though about replacing the stock on the .375 with a Bell and Carlson, but am confused with the contour system they use. I have found some info online about the vanguard .375’s and they say it’s a #2.5 contour. Replacement stocks come in #1, #2 and heavy barrel contours, no mention of a #2.5. Have any of you replaced your stock on a .375, and if so what make and contour of barrel channel did you go with. Thank you in advance.

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