Spike Camp

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Messages - Rednose

Pages: [1]
Need recoil spring for Weatherby SA-08, 28Ga.  Spring broke.  Weatherby cannot or will not
replace spring, or provide information where in Turkey it can be found.  Have tried Weatherby
dealers and numerous gunsmiths and parts locations, no luck. Please help!

Shotguns / Cause of “doubling”with Weatherby SA-08,28ga.shotguns
« on: October 15, 2020, 07:29:32 PM »
Has anyone found out the cause of “doubling” with some Weatherby SA-08, 28 ga. shotguns? Weak return firing pin spring? Problem with sear/hammer operation? Thanks, Rednose

Weatherby cannot or will not provide replacement for recoil spring for SA-08, 28ga. Not dealers, not gunsmiths, not Armsan, not Mossberg SA-08. Beautiful gun useless without recoil spring. Please help, Rednose

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