« on: February 14, 2018, 10:52:25 AM »
Well in my 35+ yrs of reloading ,last night, I had my 1'st stupid moment. I was measuring some of my 30/378 cases for shoulder bump with my Hornady Contricity gage. To get good measurements I always remove the spent primers to get a better measurement. To do this with my 30/378 I have to remove the primer with my Lee manual deprimer as my press deprimer will not accept the 30/378 case. I chose 2 cases from my lot. Put my Lee deprime rod in the case ,gave a slight tap and the primer dropped in my hand. Picked up the 2'nd case and done the same, only I chose the wrong case and it had a live primer. Gave a small tap and BANG the primer went off. The force of the explosion sent the primer out of the case through my 4'th finger and hit my little finger and fractured it. What a shocking moment. I was in a daze. I went to the emg at our local hospital and they fixed me up. Got a real sore hand.
I'm posting this stupid moment to just have all you guys remember the force that a single primer can have. I was lucky that my eyes weren't hurt. I always wear safety glasses when I prime cases, but here I was depriming spent primers, or so I thought, so I didn't have them on. What a stupid dummy moment on my part. I guess you can never check enough.