I want to introduce everyone to a new shooting product that has just hit the market. It’s a rear shooting rest called the Rear Precision Pod by Floyd Shooting Systems. A good friend called me a few years ago and described a product his dad invented, and that the both of them were working on to bring to the marketplace. He sent me a couple of prototypes over a couple of years and asked for feedback. The day the first one got in I went to the range to give it a try. I was enthusiastic, but I wasn’t really understanding how it enhanced the use of my front shooting sticks. I got to the range and sat in a hunting chair in front of the bench and I shot groups at 500 and 600 yards. I was blown away by the device, and I have only become more fond of it under actual field conditions. It is truly like having a bench rest in the field and it’s as light as front sticks. Also, it’s easy for kids to use. We had three kids kill their first deer this year while using the pod. I have zero financial interest in this company. I do know the family that makes it and they are good folks and good outdoorsmen. When you first use this thing you wonder why someone didn’t think of it before. If you would like to check it out: