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Topics - bustinbirds

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / A couple Mark V's for sale
« on: September 30, 2015, 05:16:03 AM »
Hey guys,

I know everyone is saving for the new 6.5-300, but thought I would share the link's to a couple Mark V's I have for sale:

The fibermark will make an excellent platform for that shiny new 6.5 cal barrel you have on order with your gunsmith :)

P.M. me if interested.


Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Just wanted to say Hi
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:54:24 PM »
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I've posted, but I had a minute and thought I would just check in. I can't believe another hunting season is almost behind us. My season will crescendo this next week as I head to the Northeastern part of my home state, PA, in pursuit of Whitetails and Black Bear. I just wanted wish everyone good luck if there are any hunts coming up before the year ends or would like to hear how everyone's fall has been so far. I've been lucky to get out every Saturday since Oct. 17 to either small game hunt (bagged a couple squirrels and three pheasants), hang a new deer stand, or sight rifles all while keeping my bosses at work and m.y MBA program professors happy. I hope to be back here on a more frequent basis, I miss the camaraderie. I wish you all the best.


Reloading / Load Data Help
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:47:42 AM »
If any of you guys have a sierra reloading manual laying around can you do me a solid and look up the max charge for the following powders in the 25-06 Rem with a 100 gr SMK.


Predator / Support Wolf hunting
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:32:42 PM »
Saw this link on Facebook > Field & Stream:


Seems like an admirable cause. I don't live in Idaho or anywhere nearby but I'm thinking of donating. I wonder if other states have any groups similar to this one.

Rifles / 6.5 - Weatherby Listened?
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:47:45 PM »
Cruising the internet tonight after a real snooze-fest of a read for my business management class. Was checking out what rifles were on sale at Cabela's and noticed that the Vanguard S2 was on sale for $499. I clicked on it to see what chambering's Cabela's offers and nearly fell out of my chair when I saw "6.5 Creedmoor" listed. If this isn't a fluke by Cabela's, then Weatherby is for sure listening to us. It's not a 264 Weatherby but a step in the right direction. The Creedmoor is a sensible cartridge for hunting and punching paper or steel. Says it has a 1:9.5 twist per Cabela's. I hope that part is a type-o and they mean 1:8 or 1:9 (at least). Regardless of the specs, thank you, Weatherby, for listening and acting.
If you don't believe me, look here: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Home/Fall-Gun-Sale-2013|/pc/105625080/c/436684680/Weatherby174-Vanguard174-Series-2-Rifle/1370484.uts?destination=%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FcategoryId%3D436684680%26WTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104792580%253Bcat105522480&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104792580%3Bcat105522480%3Bcat436684680

Rifles / No More Mark V Synthetic?
« on: June 23, 2013, 02:18:13 PM »
I was just poking around on the Weatherby site and noticed there is no synthetic model in the Mark V line up anymore. Looked back at the 2013 catalog and it looks like it was left out back then already. Is this old news? or have others overlooked it's omission from the line as well? The synthetic was a more affordable way to get into the Mark V line up but at the same time I don't have a favorable view of injection molded stocks and think it cheapened the line-up a little. Wondering what your guys think about it? If it's been previously discussed just point me to the thread.

Reloading / Shoot'n
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:31:37 PM »
Well, I finally got irritated enough at my vanguard that I worked up the courage to attempt a bedding a job. The subject was my 25-06 barreled action setting in a Bell  & Carlson medalist stock. Sanded out the pressure points and bedded the recoil lug area along with the first inch of the barrel just under the chamber to keep the barrel free floating. Had to pretty much start over with load development and here are the results. Shooting 110 grain Nosler Accubonds at 3150 FPS. Will try tweaking seating depth to see if I can't get that third shot in with the other two, but I'm finally getting some consistency with this rifle. Side note, anyone who thinks shooting isn't a perishable skill is mistaken. Before last Saturday I hadn't dropped the firing pin on a rifle cartridge since December 8, 2012. Had to almost relearn how to hold the gun so it recoiled straight back and the bullets went where I wanted.

Reloading / Nolser Accubond Long Range
« on: April 19, 2013, 06:01:04 AM »
Guys, I've had my head in the sand for the last 4 months so maybe you all talked about them already, but I just saw today that Nosler is making a long range accubond. I see that they issued the press release in the fall of 2012. Has anyone been able to get their hands on them yet? Midwayusa has the status as, "coming soon." If the listed BC's are accurate, look out berger.

Whitetail Deer / Weatherby - 3, Deer - Nothing
« on: December 10, 2012, 06:44:26 PM »
Was able to finish off the PA regular firearms season strong on the last day. Shot this Doe at 8:30 in the morning. I find it interesting that when I tote my Weatherby in the field, I am 3 for 3 deer hunting, all one shot kills from the venerable 25-06. Without it, 0 and 3 including one miss and one failure to feed.
How'd you guys make out this year?

Reloading / A Compilation of Data
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:59:38 AM »
I'm not sure if any of you guys have ever heard of, or visited, www.realguns.com before. I find it to be an interesting site offering decent reviews on guns and gear. Along with some of the rifle reviews the author includes load data for the rifle tested and how each load grouped and performed in that particular rifle. Over the summer I started a spreadsheet, collecting load data from the websites for Alliant, Barnes, Hodgdon, and Nosler. My goal was to compile all the free data out there into one place for the calibers I either load for, or am mildly interested in. In addition to the manufacturers already listed, I added the data from realguns to my spreadsheet for the calibers that I wanted data for and that the author Joe had tested.

Before continuing on, I would like to mention that all of the loads from realguns are max loads for that individual rifle and under no circumstances should be used in any of your rifles without safely working up to said load. From what I can tell, they are HOT.

Anyway, I was bored the other day and started to think. Normally when I am thinking, rifles and reloading are the subjects that run through my head. Rifles and Reloading quickly boil down to accuracy and so my project began. I started to look at the data I had collected from realguns and started pulling out the loads that produced sub half minute groups from each rifle/cartridge combo. I was curious to see if there was a particular powder, primer, or combo of both that consistently produced tight groups regardless of gun and cartridge. What I've found is that Joe, the author of realguns, has a thing for ATK Industries and the products they produce when it comes to primers and powders. After that, I don't and wouldn't put much stock in what I've found considering the small sample size and the singular source for the information, but I will share it anyway because anyone struggling with an inaccurate rifle is looking for any advantage or glimpse of wisdom available. I will list the rifle and cartridge tested, the total amount of loads tested in that rifle, how many of those tested loads produced sub 1/2 minute groups @ 100 yards, and that rifles average group size for all loads tested. Got it?
Here it goes:
1. Howa Hogue 1500 - 7mm WSM. 37 loads tested, 18 were 1/2 minute or better, 0.6 inch avg group size.
2. Win M70 Super Shadow - 270 WSM, 57 tested, 14 1/2 moa, 0.8 avg
3. Win Comp Classic - 243 Win, 35, 7, 0.8
4. Rem 700 BDL - 7mm Rem Mag, 52, 10, 0.8
5. Rem 700 Sendero SF II - 264 Win Mag, 21, 2, 0.8
6. Rem 700 Mountain Rifle - 25-06 Rem, 39, 8, 0.9
7. Weatherby Mark V Accumark - 338-378 Wby, 38, 5, 0.9
8. Weatherby Mark V Ultralight - 257 Wby, 49, 5, 0.9
9. CZ 550 FS - 6.5x55 SW, 15, 1, 0.9
10. Rem 700 SPS - 300 WSM, 32, 1, 0.9
11. Win M70 - 270 Win, 19, 2, 1.0
12. Ruger M77 Hawkeye African - 338 Win Mag, 37, 1, 1.0
13. Rem 700 Mountain Rifle LSS - 7mm-08, 42, 1, 1.0
14. CZ 550 American - 30-06, 42, 1, 1.1

So now that you have the context, this is what the data produced. Reloader 22 produced 21 groups that were 1/2 inch or smaller. IMR 7828 produced 20. RL 25 produced 8, RL 19 produced 7. Both RS Magnum and AA MagPro produced 5 each. There were other powders that produced 2 or 1 group, but you guys are already bored to death so I will sprint to the finish. For primers, CCI 250 accounted for 50 of the 76 half inch (or better) groups. CCI 200 17, Fed 215 7, and CCI BR2 and Fed 210 each had 1 a piece. The top combo was IMR 7828 & CCI 250 producing 17 half inch groups across the list of sample rifles, RL 22 & CCI 250 had 9, RL 22 & CCI 200 had 7. AA Magpro, RL 25, and RS Magnum all produced 5 when coupled with a CCI 250. RL 19 & CCI 250 had 4, as did RL 22 & Fed 215. So there you have it. Does it mean anything? Probably not. But if you are struggling with a Magnum, you might want to grab a pound of IMR 7828 or RL 22 and a box of CCI 250s. Have trouble with a standard round, maybe try RL 22 & a CCI 200. Always reference your reloading manuals for the amount of powder to start with and carefully work towards max. Be safe, have fun, and good shooting to ya.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Still having problems
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:42:58 AM »
Hey guys/Justin: I still can't get on the nation from my pc using both internet explorer and firefox. Im writing this from my smartphone. Any one else still having any trouble? Any hints/tips to get it working?

Reloading / Load Data
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:31:16 AM »
In addition to reloading manuals, I was wondering what websites you guys visit when you want load data for a cartridge. I usually check out Alliant, Barnes, Hodgdon, & Nosler. I will also email Berger if I plan on using their bullets. Any other good websites I haven't mentioned?

Optics / Cabela's Euro Riflescope
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:25:07 AM »

There has been a lot of talk about scopes recently so I thought I would share about my most recent purchase. When I first read about Cabela's Euro Line of rifle scopes it was described as a "re-branded Meopta" by Outdoor Life. Re-branded is a loose term. It comes in a box that says "Cabela's Euro," has a white "Cabela's" badge and "Euro" printed on the left side of the optic, and is sold in Cabela's stores. Other than that, it's all Meopta. "Meopta" is even tattoo'd on the underside of the scope where the serial number is located (not pictured here). I compared it side by side with Leupold's VX-3, Nikon's Monarch, Bushnell's Elite, and Burris Fulfield E1. In the store, I could see very little difference between the scopes I looked through. In the store the Euro seemed the brightest, clearest, and was simple while still retaining all the features I was looking for. The Leupold VX-3 was certainly right there with it, I really don't think I could tell any difference at all, but the Leupold was a 3.5-10x40 for $30 more. The Euro has a fast focus eye-piece, 4-12 magnification range, and 50mm objective all on a one inch tube. It lacks any sort of parallax adjustment, no adjustable objective or side focus. This is not a problem for me as parallax adjustments have generally troubled me more than helped me in the past. I will need some serious time at the range and in the field to test whether or not I personally will have parallax issues with this scope or not. I mounted it on my Vanguard with Warne rings and bases (will post pics later if you guys care to see them). Can't wait to go shooting.

Shotguns / Big Bird with SA-08
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:12:04 PM »

My younger brother hammered (dropped him in his tracks) this Tom at 25 yards with his SA-08 Deluxe and No.6 Winchester Supreme's earlier this morning. Carlson's Ported Turkey Choke. 20+ lbs, 1 1/8 spurs, 10 1/4 beard. Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm sitting at work...

Rifles / Outdoor Life; "Weatherby's Secret Mark V"
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:29:00 AM »
Scrolling through Outdoor Life's online blog (equivalent to Field and Stream's "The Gun Nut") and noticed this was posted on April 3rd. Having never gone to this blog before I had not previously seen the post. Was wondering if anyone else saw this and mentioned it here already? If not, here you go. Lacks any real good info, but I see my favorite B&C stock housing what appears to be an Accumark-like barreled action. Check it out:


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