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Topics - Chris338378

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Colt Python
« on: December 28, 2019, 05:58:45 PM »
I've been seeing "articles" and posts that Colt is bring back their Python and it's going to be announced in January.  There was even a picture of it in several of the posts I saw online.  I don't know if it's true or not, guess we're all just going to have to sit back and wait but I certainly hope it's true and the price is reasonable.  Obviously there's the basher's club already whining that it's not the same as the original even though they haven't even handled or let alone actually seen it.  It's no secret that I'm a huge Colt fan so with the said I'm impatiently waiting to see if it's actually true and hoping the price is going to be reasonable and not obscene. 

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Gold mine in my closet
« on: December 02, 2019, 10:21:52 AM »
I decided to go on Woolrich's website to look for a new woolen shirt and discovered a gold mine in my closet.  I damn near had a heart attack when I saw the prices of them,  the solid color Alaskan Wool Over Shirt are $455 and the red and black plaid has a bargin price of $370 and is on sale for $259.  Holy hell and wow.  I also discovered they stopped making the red and black plaid hunting coats millions of hunters wore years ago.  Talk about pricing yourself out of business.  Recently on another site we were talking about those hunting clothes and woolen shirts and how people love them and want to buy them.  A few people even called asking about them, myself included, and were told by the customer service reps that they get thousands of calls every year asking for them to make this stuff again but the company president refuses to because, "it gives the company a bad image to make hunting clothes".  Talk about typical liberal idiot logic, maybe he should take a look at the company history and realize that's what made the company what it was.  I say was because with those prices and refusing to make products people are asking for will kill sales.  It's sad to see another great company going down the tubs because of a liberal thinking modern idiot being in charge. 

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / The new model rifles
« on: September 03, 2019, 07:13:09 PM »
I wonder when the new model rifles are going to be available?  They came out with some really different designs and nice options.  I guess my problem is I'm getting to be an old timer and that I like the older styles better.  Some of the new blocky shaped stocks seem clumsy and don't appeal to me.  I'd love to see them bring back the stainless steel Mark V and EuroMark and make some of the larger calibers in that and the LazerMark.  I fully understand they have to keep competitive to get new buyers but us old timers who love and prefer the "older traditional" style rifles seem to have less and less options. 

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / New layout to Weatherby's site
« on: September 02, 2019, 06:19:20 PM »
I like the new lay out of the Weatherby website.  It's nice to be able to see all the models then click on the one that catches your eye.  Nice job guys and girls. 

I read today that this Thursday our Governor is going to announce an executive order he's signing.  Apparently he's trying to take a page out of Odufus's book on how to limit our rights.  I don't know what his bright idea is but if he could get away with it he'd ban all guns for sure.  Hopefully he'll loose in court in the law suits that I'm sure will be filed against him and his order.  I'm pretty confident any law suits have a decent chance of beating him since the right to bear arms is in the Pennsylvania Constitution.

I was on Weatherby's site and saw a popup picture of the limited edition Field Worn Mark V and have to say it looks REALLY REALLY sharp.  It has a synthetic stock, fluted barrel, and what looks like fading gold accents.  I tried to find it on their site to check it out closer but can't find it anywhere and when you click on the picture of it it takes you to a page with their address and to send them an email.  Does anyone have a link to the page with the rifle and details about it?  Hopefully Weatherby will "fix" the site so when you click on the picture of the rifle it takes you to a page with it's details and pictures of it like the other popup pictures do.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Smith & Wesson moving
« on: April 28, 2019, 05:10:57 PM »
I read that Smith & Wesson is moving their warehouse and distribution facilities to Missouri from Springfield Massachusetts.  It also said that at this time the other company operations will remain in Massachusetts.  My guess is eventually they're going to move the rest of the company out to Missouri to.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Nice weather here
« on: April 27, 2019, 09:48:35 AM »
The past two weeks we had rain more often than not and a few rounds were pretty much a monsoon.  Now today it's snowing here, which makes me a happy camper.  People always ask why I love the winter well it's simple, I love the cold and snow, you don't have to worry about getting flooded out, and the grass doesn't grow.  Since the first monsoon it took off growing and in about another week at this rate I'm going to be looking to get some goats or cows to eat it so I don't have to cut it.   ;)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Husqvarna rifles
« on: December 31, 2018, 07:14:35 PM »
I was talking with my Dad about older gun companies and he mentioned Husqvarna and I was wondering if anyone knows if they're still made.  I googled it but couldn't come up with an answer.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Buying from websites
« on: December 28, 2018, 10:43:33 AM »
Has anyone ever ordered anything from GrabAGun.com, 1800GunsAndAmmo.com, or GunsMidWest? 

My Brother decided to get a Leupold Vari-3Xi 4.5x14 with the BDC dial to mount on his rifle and mounted it with Talley rings and bases he bought through Weatherby.  Yesterday I went with him to sight it in and to say he's extremely happy with it is a total understatement.  When his girlfriend bought it for him the salesman gave her a box of Hornady 285 grain Match Hollow Points and we used them to break the rifle in.  The accuracy with them was around half inch groups and then we finished sighting it in with the bullets he's going to hunt with, which are Hornady's Custom Ammunition with the 250 grain Spire Points.  The Spire Point's accuracy was even better, both of us were constantly getting three shot groups that were touching, can't beat that in my book.  The one thing that I noticed is the match bullets left a lot more fouling in the barrel opposed to the Spire Points.  While we were breaking the rifle in we would clean it after each shot and the patches from the match bullets came out completely black while the patches from the Spire Points were almost clean.  To confirm this we cleaned the rifle and fired a shot from one bullet then cleaned it and shot the other bullet and cleaned it.  We did this four times and shot each bullet first twice and each time the results were what I had mentioned. 

We both shot it with and without the break several times and with the break on the recoil is along the lines of a .270 Winchester in my opinion.  Now without the break she definitely gives you a good swift kick.  I didn't think it was extremely bad but my Brother he's had enough of shooting it without the break after six shots and decided he wanted to put the break on and leave it on.  I agree he made the right choice on that but I have to say I didn't let the opportunity to pass by to bust on him about it.  Over all the quality and craftsmanship of his rifle is exactly what I expect from Weatherby, top notch all the way.  As for the accuracy it's a tack driver with the Hornady 250 grain Spire Points and to make it even a bit better it's not a Range Certified model.  When I end up loading for it I'm going to stick with the Hornady 250 grain Spire Points since the factory version shoots so well.

Rifles / My Brother's Accumark in .338 Lapua
« on: November 25, 2018, 02:22:39 PM »
My Brother decided to get a Leupold Vari-3Xi 4.5x14 with the BDC dial to mount on his rifle and mounted it with Talley rings and bases he bought through Weatherby.  Yesterday I went with him to sight it in and to say he's extremely happy with it is a total understatement.  When his girlfriend bought it for him the salesman gave her a box of Hornady 285 grain Match Hollow Points and we used them to break the rifle in.  The accuracy with them was around half inch groups and then we finished sighting it in with the bullets he's going to hunt with, which are Hornady's Custom Ammunition with the 250 grain Spire Points.  The Spire Point's accuracy was even better, both of us were constantly getting three shot groups that were touching, can't beat that in my book.  The one thing that I noticed is the match bullets left a lot more fouling in the barrel opposed to the Spire Points.  While we were breaking the rifle in we would clean it after each shot and the patches from the match bullets came out completely black while the patches from the Spire Points were almost clean.  To confirm this we cleaned the rifle and fired a shot from one bullet then cleaned it and shot the other bullet and cleaned it.  We did this four times and shot each bullet first twice and each time the results were what I had mentioned. 

We both shot it with and without the break several times and with the break on the recoil is along the lines of a .270 Winchester in my opinion.  Now without the break she definitely gives you a good swift kick.  I didn't think it was extremely bad but my Brother he's had enough of shooting it without the break after six shots and decided he wanted to put the break on and leave it on.  I agree he made the right choice on that but I have to say I didn't let the opportunity to pass by to bust on him about it.  Over all the quality and craftsmanship of his rifle is exactly what I expect from Weatherby, top notch all the way.  As for the accuracy it's a tack driver with the Hornady 250 grain Spire Points and to make it even a bit better it's not a Range Certified model.  When I end up loading for it I'm going to stick with the Hornady 250 grain Spire Points since the factory version shoots so well. 

Last night on the news Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey announced he's considering running for President in 2020.  I wanted to get this out now so people can start warning their friends and get the word out.  Casey is NO DAMN good and is 100% anti-gun.  I've had the misfortune to having been assigned to security details for him at work and when I tell you he's a TOTAL SCUMBAG that's being extremely nice about it.  He plays the kiss the babies and shake hands game very well and will tell you exactly what you want to hear but I'd trust a den of rattle snakes over him every time.  He isn't as corrupt as the Clintons but he's definitely cut from the same cloth. 

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Wood stocks with the most figure
« on: September 03, 2018, 08:01:49 PM »
I've seen lots of Weatherby rifles over the years built in South Gate, Germany, Japan, and U.S.A. and from what I've seen the Japanese versions have the most highly figured wood.  It's almost like if you see a Mark V Deluxe with highly figured wood you can almost bet it was made in Japan.  Don't get me wrong I wouldn't not buy any of them but for me I love a highly figured wood stock.  My Dad has a Mark V Deluxe in .300 Weatherby Magnum and the stock on that is very unique, the top of the cheek piece is blond and the rest has a tiger tail grain.  One other thing is I miss the skip line checkering, personally it's one of my favorite patterns.  What do you guys and girls think?

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Bean Counters Be Damned
« on: July 06, 2018, 02:35:40 PM »
I need some advice and have to vent a bit.  I absolutely hate, loath, and detest these damn bean counters.  It never fails when you find something good the damn bean counters have to get the bright idea to stop making it. Over the past few years the victims of the bean counters that I know of personally are the Hornady .338 200 grain spire points, AA3100 powder, Remington's 8mm Remington Magnum unprimed brass (you have a better chance of finding golden hen's teeth and I refuse to pay the crazy price Nosler wants for it), and now the General Grabber AT2 tires to name just a few.   

I have to get new tires for my truck and my wife's Ford Escape, should be simple right.  NOT!  I called the tire store and found out that some bean counter had the brilliant idea to stop making the General Grabber AT2's.  They said they're replacing the ones for my truck with the Grabber A/TX's, which are ten ply tires, and are only going to make the APT's, which are sunny dry road tires in my opinion, in the size for my wife's Escape.  I liked the Grabber AT2's a lot because they lasted, I didn't have to remortgage the house to pay for them, were aggressive, and I don't have to worry about her getting stuck with the kids somewhere since we need since we don't get plowed out for a day or two after it snows.  I don't need ten ply tires since I don't haul a lot of weight and can't see spending at least $40 or more for a tire.  What are you guys getting for tires that are aggressive that aren't mud tires, aren't ten ply, and don't have to remortgage the house to pay for them.  The sizes I need are 275/65R18 and 235/70R16.

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