« on: July 06, 2018, 02:35:40 PM »
I need some advice and have to vent a bit. I absolutely hate, loath, and detest these damn bean counters. It never fails when you find something good the damn bean counters have to get the bright idea to stop making it. Over the past few years the victims of the bean counters that I know of personally are the Hornady .338 200 grain spire points, AA3100 powder, Remington's 8mm Remington Magnum unprimed brass (you have a better chance of finding golden hen's teeth and I refuse to pay the crazy price Nosler wants for it), and now the General Grabber AT2 tires to name just a few.
I have to get new tires for my truck and my wife's Ford Escape, should be simple right. NOT! I called the tire store and found out that some bean counter had the brilliant idea to stop making the General Grabber AT2's. They said they're replacing the ones for my truck with the Grabber A/TX's, which are ten ply tires, and are only going to make the APT's, which are sunny dry road tires in my opinion, in the size for my wife's Escape. I liked the Grabber AT2's a lot because they lasted, I didn't have to remortgage the house to pay for them, were aggressive, and I don't have to worry about her getting stuck with the kids somewhere since we need since we don't get plowed out for a day or two after it snows. I don't need ten ply tires since I don't haul a lot of weight and can't see spending at least $40 or more for a tire. What are you guys getting for tires that are aggressive that aren't mud tires, aren't ten ply, and don't have to remortgage the house to pay for them. The sizes I need are 275/65R18 and 235/70R16.