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Topics - losttrail

Pages: [1]
Optics / New scope for new rifle
« on: July 31, 2020, 04:06:04 PM »
Hello all.
I posted in the general topic that I am the proud owner of my first Weatherby, a Vanguard Accuguard Synthetic, .300 Wby Mag, #3 contour, fluted, threaded.

Now trying to decide on optic for it and have just about decided on a Vortex Diamondback Tactical 4-16x44,FFP EBR-2C MOA. I've ordered Talley Lightweight Medium 30mm rings. I can get the scope for $335 + tax.

Since this is my first Weatherby, does anyone see a problem with this?

I was thinking of pulling the Bushnell Forge 3-18x50 SFP Deploy MOA off my Howa 1500 .308 Win for the Wby and putting the Vortex on the Howa.

Any thoughts or suggestions on a different scope would be appreciated.

Edit - Also looking at: Sightmark Citadel 3-18x50 1/4 MOA LR1, Nikon BLACK X1000 Riflescope 4-16x50SF and Nikon PROSTAFF P5 4-16x42SF Matte BDC

Nikon I am a bit leery of now that they are out of the rifle scope manufacturing.

Hello all.

Looking at getting my first Weatherby and have come across a Vanguard Accuguard Synthetic, .300 Wby Mag, Blued 26" #3 contour fluted barrel w/1/2-28 threads and cap. Supposedly a show special for club members, there are 3 available at what seems to be a very good price.

Anyone heard of such a beast? Does Weatherby make a brake for the #3 contour? All I can find online is the Accubrake ST for #1 & #2.

I do have email and message left at Weatherby HQ, but no one has responded yet.

Thanks for any thoughts.


Rifles / Weatherby VGX in .340 Wby Mag?
« on: February 19, 2020, 01:05:00 PM »
Obviously not a factory chambering for the Vanguard, but would you buy it and feel confident shooting it?

I realize that the .300 Wby and .340 Wby are both based on the same case, but with Weatherby stopping Vanguards at .300 for factory chambers, could this be a potential disaster waiting to happen?

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Twist rate question
« on: February 07, 2020, 09:34:39 AM »
I've been lurking here for years, always wanting a Weatherby, finally got to the point of ordering one a couple weeks ago, then our double wall one decided to die so fun money had to shift for a while.

Twist rates are always interesting and I have some questions for those that know a lot more about this than I do.

As I understand, the Weatherby 1:10 standard has been around a long time. With the advent over the past 15 years or so of heavy for caliber bullets, is it time for Weatherby to take a look at making changes to twist rates?

I know that roughly 15 years ago, .308 bullets over 220gr only had 2 choices by a single manufacturer. Now the options are far greater and other rifle manufacturers have introduced faster twist rates.

I'm hoping to have a .300 Wby and .340 Wby after we get our kitchen remodel done, but am curious as to whether Wby is going to make some changes.

Just posing some thoughts.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Vanguard in .325WSM?
« on: May 19, 2009, 12:47:05 PM »
I'm new here and have become greatly interested in the Vanguard. I'm looking to buy probably 3 in the next year; .308 or 7mm-08 for my daughters, but want a .325WSM for myself.

Does Weatherby have any plans fro a .325WSM?

Rifles / Vanguard in .325WSM?
« on: May 18, 2009, 02:07:04 PM »
New here. I'm looking at buying a few Vanguards over the next few months to year. I've never owned a Weatherby to this point but am looking forward to them.

Does anyone know if Weatherby plans on introducing a .325 WSM in any rifle models, especially the Vanguard?


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