Spike Camp

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Topics - eoats

Pages: [1]
Rifles / Free float Bell & Carlson Medalist?
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:27:26 AM »
So got my Vanguard s1 30-06 mounted in a new Bell & Carlson Medalist stock; and it shoots worse?
I was getting 1.5" groups at 100yrds with Barnes Vortex 180gr after trying about a dozen different factory loads.

Had the local gunsmith mount it up, as I wanted his opinion on the fit & some cutting clearance for the trigger. He mentioned that the new Bell & Carlson has the pressure points similar tot the old 'tupperware' stock.

Should i have these pressure points taken down & Free-Float the Barrel?

Shotguns / What a Weatherby SA & the M1 Carbine have in common?
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:49:16 PM »
Seems this David Marshall Williams did some very interesting work. Much of it while in prison.


Adding Video to Spike Camp / Vanguard Cleaning videos
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:39:55 AM »
Only I I found online so far is this one:

It would nice to have a video with some close ups of some of the details.
Anyone know of any?

Rifles / Vanguard 'VGS'
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:11:36 PM »
Saw an older Vanguard model VGS for sale and am wondering what his designation means?

It was mentioned that these haven't been made since 1988.

Anyone know about these?

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