Spike Camp

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Topics - curthopson

Pages: [1]
Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / 6.5-300 reloading data
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:09:40 PM »
Greetings fellow Weatherbytarians. My friend and I each have an RC Accumark in 6.5-300 ordered. We found some limited load data using a google search, but want to get your input. We have Nosler AccubondLR 129gr and Swift Scirroco 130gr bullets and Reloader 33, Retumbo, H50BMG, etc. Any suggestions for a powder range and COL? Thanks in advance for any help. Now, if Weatherby would just produce the brass and ship the guns we could have a fun spring project. Thanks in advance for any help. Curt.

Greetings friends. I have multiple rifles in a couple of calibers and want to keep the brass and cartridges separate after firing. Maybe I am overly neurotic about this, but I am of the opinion that brass fired in one rifle should be kept for that rifle and it alone. How do I identify my brass so I can keep it separate? Sharpie marker, fingernail polish, some commercial product, Or, should I just mix it all up and full-length resize and not worry about it anymore. What say ye? Thanks in advance----Curt.

Other Big Game / WNMR hunts planned this fall
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:51:34 PM »
I just found out that I drew my desired pronghorn tag in unit 64 in Wyoming this fall.  It looks like the WNMR is going to see some action this year.  I may also use it on a mule deer hunt in Fergus county Montana in November.  Does anyone else have specific plans for our new rifles yet?

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