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Topics - Lahunter76

Pages: [1]
Rifles / Information 338-378
« on: July 30, 2019, 08:11:43 PM »
If anyone can help me figure this out, is the 338-378 able to push a 300gr pill over 2900 with out killing your brass out of a 27” tube? Seeing mid 2800s in the reloading guides but just wondering if you could push it a lil more and still get 4ish reloads out of a brass. I am ignorant to a lot and fairly new to reloading. I do not have a 338-378 but contemplating between one and a 30-378

Custom Shop / Custom shop contact
« on: July 21, 2019, 07:44:39 AM »
Hello! I have tried to reach the Weatherby Custom shop to purchase a new extractor for my 300roy, I want to upgrade to the 378 extractor so I can decide which I want to rebarrel to, 338-378, 30-378, 300 Norma, or 338 Norma.....

I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue, is it because of the relocation and do y’all have a better way of contacting them!

Thanks in advance!

Rifles / Rebarrel and rechamber question
« on: March 27, 2019, 03:03:47 AM »
I have a Mark V in Weatherby 300. I called and asked a gunsmith if he could rechamber/rebarrel my current action to a 300 Norma Mag. I understand that it’s a different rim/bolt face diameter, but didn’t think it was not possible....the gunsmith said that it couldn’t be done due to something about how the extractor is done on the Mark Vs.....I did not feel this is accurate, but I admit I am very green to all this.....am I mistaken, but if not how do I go about making the swap? I hope I am even asking the correct questions lol

Ammo / 300 Weatherby Mark V Deluxe
« on: February 04, 2019, 05:58:41 PM »
Hello all!
I have recently gotten an older jap made Mark V in a 300 Roy and excited to get it rolling, I have been shooting a Vanguard in a 257 and love it. I normally use factory Nosler trophy AB ammo for my 257, but.....I will be getting into reloading and really want to use my 300 primarily, and I would like some input on the components I plan on using

Hammer Bullets (all copper) 166 or 174gr may look at long for cal 199gr
Nosler brass
Fed 215m primer
H-1000 or IMR 7828 ssc powder

New to reloading but excited and really looking forward to future discussion!!

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