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Topics - txaggie

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This morning I woke up checking emails and local news channels social media over a warm cup of coffee just like any other day.

I quickly read on facebook about our local HS in Georgetown in lockdown/shutdown over a threat. My kids have all graduated as did I from what use to be this small town high school. The school was finally cleared after 4 hours to resume after school activities as most students never made it to the school it happened so early.

as of 5pm today GPD posted that Authorities which include GPD and Texas Ranges have positively identified a 16 year old Juvenile from the state of Georgia who had admitted to the crime. They will be working with the state of Georgia authorities to press charges against this juvenile for 3rd degree felony of terroristic threat.

What in hell is going on in our world -


Accessories / Many Stocks if someone needs one
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:16:41 PM »
I have several stocks i've removed, replaced or upgraded along the way.

I have two LH original black/grey accumark stocks - both in good condition.

I have a RH deluxe stock that was included with a 300 weatherby i acquired that also had a euromark style stock. Debating on switching it back as it's gloss finish and selling rifle unless someone is interested.

I also have a RH ULW 6 lug snow camo stock

DM me if your interested figured i would put it out here first to any nation friends before ebay or something like that.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / HAPPY NEW YEAR FELLAS
« on: January 01, 2025, 03:45:08 AM »
Hope everyone had a wonderful 2024 and here is to the new year. Praying 2025 is the best to come and full of all your wishes!

Cheers gents - i'm off to the deer lease! :)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Different kind of rifle
« on: December 11, 2024, 05:18:33 AM »
Did some horse trading the other day came up with a different kind of rifle. Roy, Dale and Roy Jr - limited marling cowboy 45 colt.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Big 8 at the home place
« on: November 16, 2024, 07:20:29 PM »
Well the ole man still has it - the karma for my kid who says hunt this stand and this guy who's been MIA for sometime decided he was going to come back and do some rutting behavior! LOL - would be my best 8 point to date. Wasn't expecting this dude to come strolling in this morning.

He measured 21" inside and an 1/8 under 24 outside main beams. Didn't get much more measurements than that because i do not get caught up into "scores" really. But he will be shoulder mounted and we will find him a home. Great buck for our neck of the woods that is for sure. Tickled with him,

He was taken with my son's ruger LH M77 all weather 25-06 - i'd taken it thinking some hogs would show and I had just sighted it in for him to hunt with this season. He's been out of action for a while and dad had a southpaw model with an affordable caliber for him - well it works! 110 grain accubond, heart shot ran about 40 yards and piled up like he was supposed to.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Georgia sweet Georgia!
« on: November 05, 2024, 05:55:25 PM »
bring it home oscar! :)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Opening Morning Target Buck
« on: November 02, 2024, 10:03:29 AM »
Well here we go the much anticipated buck for the wife. The 257 safari style sighted in ready to go. The setup is an ancipated oat patch (weather isn't helping we need rain!!!) that is lined by our spring feed creek so it usually holds allot of doe/yearlings and you'll see bucks pass through for water or does depending on rut activity. Shots can range up to 300 plus. We do have one feeder setup and that shot will reach the max distance. Well we were greated with a nice overcast morning making visibility very difficult we knew we had a bunch of deer scattered thorugout the field and probably 12-15 over by the feeder area. Wasn't until about 7:40 well past legal shooting light before I caught this buck we've seen many times and let him go last season to gain another year. I told the wife he's already here in the field - not sure how comfortable you are making that shot and maybe he will work his way back towards us as they often exit the field back into our property as the creek is a boundary. If he does that will cut some distances down, he finally worked his way out into the opening and we were preparing for a shot she was safety off a couple of times at 275 yards and he would turn or something you know being a deer right?

After several minutes of this he actually started trotting back towards the middle of the field (basically we are setup on the middle of the field edge and left to right it will go 300 plus to about 250 plus yards at the furthest point. Ok this is good hes going to follow that doe we will have a nice 150-170 yard shot - well getting her on him as I would grunt to stop him those stars do not always align just right! What turned into this is going to work out perfect and would in a now or never opportunity for this particular morning most likely. The doe would enter the tree line at the creekside on our far right him still on her tail I was able to stop him for the final time and with a quartering away shot I said if your comfortable take him. The 257 roared throughout the creek bottom and our target buck would lay hidden in the tall grass. She hit him with the 92 grain hammers high shoulder and it exited base of the neck. Small entry and I would say just under a nickel exit wound. The shot was right at 200 yards and she knocked him down like a pro! Tickled, we looked back and she hasn't harvested a buck on the property in over 4 years.

The deer would live weight 160lbs - typical 8 point his distinguishing mark would be his left side G3 is shorter than his right.

My brother had like 5 rounds of this stuff left over after he sold his 257 (terrible decision by the way but he's a can man - there is such a thing as too sexy for him) but anyway - i recently acquired yet another 257, well it's for the wife it's right handed. The gun was custom redon over a standard mark v action new barrel job and oil finished stock made to look like a safari. Really cool i'll have to get better pics of the rifle, but i went and check it today and tried out the hammers. Not to shabby now i have to order some to be here before next weekend for opener! LOL Should be a hammer (pun intended) for her,

Crazy the size difference - everything else was killed in Burnet Co, in central texas.

he's going to move over but that was the tallest ladder i had for the moment - lol

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / This weekends hunt
« on: September 22, 2024, 06:58:32 PM »
Well it's been a minute since the wife and i went on a little texas safari so i made a surprise trip for her. She has a desire to shoot all of the orxy. She has a Gemsbuck and scimitar horned orxy - needs an Arabian possible fringe-eared and we learned of a scimbok. A scimbok is a cross between gemsbuck and scimitar horned Oryx. Cool Oryx with a orangish hide color is the distinction between them an a gemsbuck as they have similar face markings. We sat out on a 3 day hunt which would be safari, stand or stalk - well we put in many many hours and took full advantage of each option from Friday evening all day Saturday and it was decided our best plan was to let them calm down and take them over a feeding area. Not hardly shooting fish in a barrel we would take the stand at 7:45 am animals would come in as expected and of all kinds. Finally a herd of gemsbuck and scimbok would come in and after leaving the field and returning with additional to look at we settled on the color and best horned cow we could find. She had straight horns similar to gemsbuck (some show scimitar traits some more gemsbuck) and finally after what seemed like forever a shot over some mesquite trees between us and the heard Christiy would have her shot at this beauty broadside and made a perfect shot through both front shoulders. The 338-06 hit it's mark and she went about 20 years spiraling downward in the brushes edge. One shot would be all it would take, pretty typical with her.

Well my side job is helping my wife take care of her pets. My responsibilities include making sure we always have feed bins full, fresh hay and H2o specialist! LOL

This would be the year we have our own herd of miniature Herefords with our first bottle baby from 2 years ago being our herd sire "chance" named after our vet who saved him after mom abandoned him. First raised and bred heifer would poppy (georgetown is know for red poppy's so it was a fitting name) both were raised on our little farm. We would sell off the others and had to put one down due to age and health conditions. In december of last year we purchased 3 more heifers to add to our little herd.

Well we know 3 were bred and the due dates were getting close, June poppy would have her first calf and eventful first pregnancy to which I helped pull the calf and it was a little heifer. As much as she tried she simply wasn't able to get up and feed for herself so like many other times here we go to the vet who knows all our animals by name. As expected she would be fine and back at our place after a few short days growing to be a fine looking heifer calf. Now on to the new girls, Pattie was showing the signs and last nite with the lunar super moon whatever that thing was it kicked her in gear.

The wife comes running in this morning first light binoculars in hand and said come on we have a calf on the ground down in the bottom. We only have 10 acres and from the second story of the house we can see just about anything. Yep - baby calf already cleaned up, up and running and romping like they are supposed to do. We pushed them to the barn and penned them up so the baby wasn't sharing moms milk with Sunny because this particular heifer was a part time mother to her. LOL

Second calf of the season would be our second heifer calf and inspired by the moon Christy named her Luna. Good looking strong healthy calf. That's 2 down one more to go, looking forward to seeing what the 3rd will bring.

pics are of Luna

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Fallow Trio is home and complete
« on: September 17, 2024, 03:54:12 PM »
Well all my fallow are complete and finally home from left to right they are in order when they were taken. While being the first and my final was the far right spotted - he was intended to be the center but the bracket he has on his pedistal doesn't sit well on the rock fireplace so we opted for the chocolate one which is the only one of the three which still has velvet antlers so it works and he's worthy of center himself;

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Opening Weekend of Teal Season
« on: September 16, 2024, 06:04:28 PM »
Back to Back Limits of rice rockets - day 1 was fast and furious we were in the thick of some remaining sheet water from a flooded rice field with man made blind and benches for 7 of us (including guide) we limited in 22 minutes. 1 guy was on a 12ga, 4 were on 20's and I was shooting my new SBE3 28ga and I must say, I really like it. Its a rob roberts custom job and I shot lights out with these things coming in to the decoys.

Day 2 would be a little slower pace, small groups coming in and making us look like pros. We were an hour and 30 minutes into the hunt and needed 6 more birds to limit out. Finally a huge group circle a couple of times and headed straight for the spread landing gear down just waiting for the shot call and no doubt we would limit. Well over 20 birds in this tight flock, the shot was called the guns were emptied and we were 2 short of 6 birds needed! LOL for that lack of effort we were punished to be blood donors to the mosquitoes for another 20-30 minutes before a small group would come in and we were able to shoot our bag limit of birds as a group. Run-n-gun adventures if you fancy a 5 start shoot they put on a show around bay city and our opening weekend annual hunt continues to not disappoint.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Recent Taxidermy
« on: August 09, 2024, 03:08:19 PM »
Oscar inspired me to share this stuff we have picked up in 2024, The coolest part is my wife and I shared these hunts and she took half these trophies;

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / lever guns cowboy stuff
« on: June 12, 2024, 07:02:47 AM »
Any of you hunt with or truck guns in cowboy style stuff?

The 1894 cowboy model with octagon barrels are intriguing to me. 45LC, 357 & 44

anyone have one what you think?

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