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Topics - ErikHimmel

Pages: [1]
Accessories / How many broadheads do you guys take hunting?
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:47:18 AM »
I'm looking to get into hunting this year and I'm gonna need some broadheads. I was wondering how many you guys pack when you go out? I think I'm gonna be doing some pig hunting along with rabbits/squirrels.

I was thinking getting 3 broadheads whatever ones I choose along with 3 small game points, or am I better off getting 6 broadheads and shooting rabbits with those too.

Equipment / Spotting Scope Vs Binoculars
« on: June 10, 2020, 06:09:36 AM »
I was up scouting this weekend and it has become very clear I need something new. I have just a normal pair of 10x42 binoculars. Will I be better of getting a spotting scoop or bigger bino's? I want to use the bino's off a tir pod. I don't really want to spend 2K on a spotter because I don't know if I will use it after this year. Any suggestions?


Equipment / HOLOSUN Red Dot or Green Dot ?
« on: June 06, 2020, 04:42:21 AM »
I'm thinking about purchasing a Holosun 507 C red dot sight for my Ruger Mark 4 pistol.  I will be using it mainly for target shooting at an indoor range and also setting up targets outside.  They make this sight with a red dot and also a green dot for $20.00 more.

What would be the advantages of the green over the red if any?

Erik Hemmel

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