Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 6.5-300 Ron Spomer Analysis
« on: Today at 07:56:21 PM »
Spomer makes some good points in the comparison, among them being use the cartridge you want, external ballistics at reasonable hunting ranges with the same bullet (for the 26 cal cartridges) and be aware of the ammo cost. His point about using the one you want to me means matching the bullet to the game and the intended or likely range. He never mentioned advantages of reloading and I think that was due to limited time, plus it warrants its own segment. Sorry if I spoiled the video for anyone.
I dont agree with a lot of things Spomer talks about in this videos. He also talks of some things the same ways I see them. He is probably a good guy to shoot the breeze with or have a few beers and discuss the world of hunting and firearms with.
I dont agree with a lot of things Spomer talks about in this videos. He also talks of some things the same ways I see them. He is probably a good guy to shoot the breeze with or have a few beers and discuss the world of hunting and firearms with.