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Messages - PAbuckhunter270

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 40
I love all my Vanguards! What caliber is your vanguard?


I like the the spiral fluted barrel but wish they offered it in 257 wby.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 11:41:45 AM »
So far there were 2 protests about 15 minutes from me. Both were peaceful but I’m being extra wary of my surroundings being where I work is in the area of the protests.

Man I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure most of us know what your going through and the decision you had to make was hard but the right one.

She looks just like my Remi girl that I had to put down a year and a half ago. She was only 4.

I got this 10 point 14 years ago. It was the first day of rifle in Pa. I used my grandfathers Marlin 336c 35 Remington that he gave to me and still use this rifle along with my wby’s. It was a misty cool morning, around mid morning I hear a shot further up the ridge and catch this buck sneaking along the swamp at 60-70 yards to my left. First shot was alittle high and clipped the spine and I had to finish him off.

A 338 in a 6lb. rifle has my interest!   :)

Mine too!

It was hinted that a 338 RPM might be on its way. It was in a review in an article a Nation member posted on here.

Nice rifle and caliber! A 340 wby has always been on my hit list.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 2019 Ohio buck mount
« on: March 06, 2020, 04:34:37 AM »
Beautiful mount and really cool buck. Congratulations!

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: The 27 Nosler
« on: February 21, 2020, 04:53:47 PM »
I love the 270 Winchester and I need a new one to replace my original. It will probably end up being a 270wsm. I believe this is the best all around 270 on the market.

I agree! I love my Vanguard s2 Sporter in 270wsm.

Reloading / Re: Anyone have the Hornady Reloading manual?
« on: February 12, 2020, 08:28:17 PM »
Ok thanks fellas.

Reloading / Re: Anyone have the Hornady Reloading manual?
« on: February 11, 2020, 03:20:35 PM »
Can I use the Hornady A-Max load for the GMX?

Reloading / Anyone have the Hornady Reloading manual?
« on: February 11, 2020, 01:44:53 PM »
I am looking for a load for the 140 grain GMX for the 6.5-300 wby. I also have the Barnes 127 grain LRX but I can find the load for that. I just wanted to try something heavier.

Rifles / Re: Weatherby vanguard accuguard reviews
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:00:03 PM »
My Accuguard 240 shoots remarkably well. I have no intentions of changing the trigger assembly.

I got the same exact rifle and completely agree. It’s my go to rifle now for coyote and whitetails.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Anybody seen Grouchy?
« on: January 22, 2020, 03:57:25 PM »
His ban should be up soon. I noticed Chris338378 got banned too.

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