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Messages - North to Alaska

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The Ukrainians are using 7.62x39 plus $40 billion in military aid we just printed up.

There will be more printed up before it's over. Biden will commit more gaffes as well.

“….but inflation” say the congressmen before jumping all over spending more money on another country. 🤦‍♂️

Lindsey Graham sure loves a man in uniform 😉

Locked doors don’t do squat. Walk up to any main door and most side doors and they are all glass. Couple of bullets and the murderer can walk right in.

This has been one of the best examples of why the public and the staff should be armed. Especially the staff with some good training. The police demonstrated effectively why they can’t be counted on to save us….but rather to just pick up our body parts afterwards.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Ammo prices
« on: March 01, 2022, 12:11:13 AM »
Shipping costs are up as well. Midway has free shipping on over $49 orders today.
Unless you live in Alaska. Nobody ships ammo to Alaska.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Merry Christmas to all
« on: February 28, 2022, 11:46:54 PM »

 Wish them Merry Christmas from Aunt Tammy and Uncle Michael for us please.

April said I should ask you about the rat infestation and the hay bales.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Merry Christmas to all
« on: December 25, 2021, 09:47:53 PM »
Been a while since I’ve been over here. Been dealing with life and family in our new place near Talkeetna Alaska.
Pray you all have a wonderful Christmas.
By the way, the baby in my Wife was a boy! Four girls and finally a boy…lol. He’s turned one in November.

Merry Christmas, beautiful family.
 Have you run into Doug and April Moore from Moore's hardware?
April in my niece.
Wow! Small world.
Shop there often and yes We have!👍

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Merry Christmas to all
« on: December 25, 2021, 06:23:58 PM »
Been a while since I’ve been over here. Been dealing with life and family in our new place near Talkeetna Alaska.
Pray you all have a wonderful Christmas.
By the way, the baby in my Wife was a boy! Four girls and finally a boy…lol. He’s turned one in November.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona
« on: March 20, 2020, 06:54:07 PM »
I'm working from home now. Enjoying it😇. Facebook friend f my wife's family has it. Their infant son temp spiked to 108°.
Otherwise we don't "know" of anyone but since their testing rate is pathetic, sure there are MANY nore infected. What ever number they is infected...multiply it by 10 for the real number that have yet to feel the symptoms in a week or two. Feel sorry for the medical staff. Pray for them.

I went to my local supermarket this morning at opening time figuring to miss the rush. Mistake! The line was around the block. All I needed was some milk and eggs. Went back an hour later and the line was gone and the people were coming out with toilet paper and paper towels. Bet there will be some seriously clogged crappers!  The cops were there in force. One stationed on the paper aisle.  Got my 1 gallon of milk, limit of 2 on a sign. No eggs or egg substitutes to be had!  Did fill my truck with gas, lowest prices in years!   :)
Same here. No crowds though. Apparently there was a toilet paper rush earlier in the week. My Hy-Vee grocery had wipes and spray bottles out and it was good to see everyone was using it. Got gas at $1.99....sadly that means the economy is tanking.

This is why you are seeing more restrictions.


If nothing is done, we will see about 2 million dead in the US.

Los Angelos just ordered everyone to stay at home. Will see more of this.

This is not a media driven hysteria. (Yes they invented hoaxes like Russian collusion etc) but China didn't lock down their country...and their economy for a hoax. Italy isn't locking down to assist in a hoax. Italy's death rate is about 7% now.

Flu R0 (spread rate) is about 1.3. Covid-19 has an R0 of 2 or 3. Twice the spread rate.

Covid-19 is as deadly as the Spanish Flu of 1918. Difference toay is that we have MUCH better medical technology and equipment to save most of these people....if they have a bed for you...if they have a respirator for you.....if they have enough staff who are not sick too.

Strategy is simple....shut everything down to slow the spread rate so hospitals and staff are not overwhelmed. Italy is doing triage now because they don't have enough respirators or beds.

News out of France is half of people in ICU are under 60 years of age.

My wife (who is pregnant and at high risk) and would greatly appreciate that you take this seriously. I will be working from home starting tomorrow...if my 4 little girls will let me😒

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 11, 2020, 05:14:31 AM »
" What's f*cking stupid is, in the year 2020 people still think this sh*t. It's the female's choice to do what she wants with her body, if she wants an abortion, go for it, nobody's else business."

Ah, I am so sorry. I didn't realize we progressed to the point that women have two set of hearts, dna, and blood types. For that matter, I didn't realize that when the baby is born it was, just seconds prior, an appendage.  ???
I guess whether you are alive or not is all about location, location, location.

Did you you know that most of the pro-life leaders are women that had abortions like Jane Row herself (Norma McCorvey)? I hear it is very destructive to the mom.

As for the "women's decision"....not really. Most are pushed into it by boyfriends, parents, pimps, husbands that want their fun and no consequences.

But hey, i guess I could follow up with f-words because....its 2020 ;)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 10, 2020, 08:27:23 PM »
"986,000 people dead within a year"
That might possibly exceeded the number of babies mudered by abortions in the US this year...  :-\

you deserve the prize already this morning, this is the stupidest f*cking thing I'm going to read or see today.

plus 1000000

1,000,000? Try 60,000,000 since Row v Wade. Not sure if there is misunderstanding or not here. But I decided to compare the reality of the number of deaths from evil to the number deaths that MAY happen from a stupid freaking bug. Just a little self reflection on my part to maybe not put so much worry on the virus.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 10, 2020, 08:19:35 PM »
"986,000 people dead within a year"
That might possibly exceeded the number of babies mudered by abortions in the US this year...  :-\

you deserve the prize already this morning, this is the stupidest f*cking thing I'm going to read or see today.

For what Rob,
I took a moment to realize that the number that MAY die from this virus which is just part of nature....neither good or evil will never compare to the slaughter of our own kids in the country?...I am asking. What is stupid about that?

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 10, 2020, 08:05:38 AM »
"986,000 people dead within a year"
That might possibly exceeded the number of babies mudered by abortions in the US this year...  :-\

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 10, 2020, 04:54:33 AM »
So far this flu season, around 29 MILLION Americans have contracted the flu.   Around 16,000 Americans have died as a result of the flu.   And nobody is any more worried about the regular flu, than they are about getting a common cold.   MILLIONS of Americans do not even go and get a flu shot, in many cases, a FREE flu shot.    Did all of the "experts" and "scientists" PROMOTING this corona virus pandemic graduate from the same colleges that the "experts" and "scientists" that said that "fish would be swimming in the streets of NYC, Miami, and Honolulu by the year 2015.   The "experts," "scientists," and most importantly, the Fake/Hate News Media have been KNOWINGLY and BLATANTLY feeding us disinformation for so many years now, how do we know that they are telling us the truth on this one.    I was really worried about this corona virus, already alerted in late December by news reports leaking out about "Chinese citizens dying of a 'pneumonia type' of disease."    I thought that THAT sounded fishy, like China was trying to "cover up" something, which they were.    Then the news started breaking in early January.    The virus was isolated and named on January 6.    Why didn't most all of the nations on Earth, shut down travel and stuff in January if this pandemic was so dangerous.     These governments know something that we do not.     I am less worried about this corona virus now.     I guess we will soon see how this all plays out.    I also think that it is really sad, that the public cannot get any straight and truthful information about ANYTHING these days, with this being the "information Age."    MM

Lets take that number and do some math....
16,000 ÷ 29,000,000 = .00055 or .055%
If the corona virus has a death rate of 3.4% then doing the math of 29,000,000 × .034 = 986,000 people dead within a year.

Since the R0 (ability to spread) is much higher than the flu or cold you can expect the actual number infected to be much higher than 29 million.

Now here is a story by Time that presents a good point on how the actual death rate may be lower than 3.4%. South Korean and Italian numbers don't match. Both are doing a good job of getting tests in. Italy is 3.4% while South Korea is .06%. This has been my hope. By the way...this time article overstated the death rate of the flu. Also, the flu numbers get lumped together with pneumonia numbers and other respetory illiness that often are not related to the flu.

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