« on: September 02, 2022, 09:55:18 AM »
It was a great hunt, this trip exceeded all of our expectations tenfold. We try and get together at least once a year and do a hunt together especially since we all live in different places, we where a little worried about my brother filling his tag since he is new to hunting and doesn't have the experience at shooting at distance further than 100 yards and he has a savage axis which has a horrible trigger that probably is set at 8 pounds but it all worked out for him in the end. We booked the hunt in February and we all did a ton of shooting in preparation my dad said he shot more in preparation for this hunt than he has ever done for any other hunt, we averaged about 300 rounds of practice, I myself went through 4 pounds of powder between getting a new scope and trying different loads. Our next hunt we are going to try fr a December cow elk hunt in Wyoming, Utah or Colorado if we can't get the tags we are going to look at a spring black bear hunt and if that doesn't pan out we are just going to pick a nice high fence ranch in texas so everyone can shoot what they want. The main goal for our yearly hunts is to hunt something new in a new location and have good opportunity to fill our tag and the overall goal is to just spend time with each other doing what we all love to do