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Messages - CO_MTNman

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Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 17, 2022, 05:05:29 PM »
Thank you we had a great time! We would definitely do it again in the future after we knock some other animals off our list

Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 02, 2022, 09:55:18 AM »
It was a great hunt, this trip exceeded all of our expectations tenfold. We try and get together at least once a year and do a hunt together especially since we all live in different places, we where a little worried about my brother filling his tag since he is new to hunting and doesn't have the experience at shooting at distance further than 100 yards and he has a savage axis which has a horrible trigger that probably is set at 8 pounds but it all worked out for him in the end. We booked the hunt in February and we all did a ton of shooting in preparation my dad said he shot more in preparation for this hunt than he has ever done for any other hunt, we averaged about 300 rounds of practice, I myself went through 4 pounds of powder between getting a new scope and trying different loads. Our next hunt we are going to try fr a December cow elk hunt in Wyoming, Utah or Colorado if we can't get the tags we are going to look at a spring black bear hunt and if that doesn't pan out we are just going to pick a nice high fence ranch in texas so everyone can shoot what they want. The main goal for our yearly hunts is to hunt something new in a new location and have good opportunity to fill our tag and the overall goal is to just spend time with each other doing what we all love to do

Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 02, 2022, 09:20:58 AM »
No we haven't had them scored properly and they are all at the taxidermist now, the guides said my dad's and mine where low 80s and the other 2 are mid to high 70s but since they are all of our 1st pronghorn we can't judge them very well so we just took our guides advice

Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 01, 2022, 07:26:13 PM »
My friends buck at 253 yards using 6.5x284 norma with 130gr berger

Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 01, 2022, 07:23:39 PM »
My brother's buck (5th animal ever) at 150 yards with 270 winchester using 130gr Sierra game king

Other Big Game / Re: New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 01, 2022, 07:22:33 PM »
Dad's buck 300 yards 270 winchester with 130gr nosler ballistic tip

Other Big Game / New Mexico pronghorn
« on: September 01, 2022, 07:21:36 PM »
Just got back home and let the dust settle from my 1st pronghorn antelope hunt and I took a buck that exceeded my expectations. I went on the trip with my dad, brother and best friend from school and we all filled our tags in a day and a half. I took my buck at 405 yards with my tried and true accumark 30-378 with 180gr barnes ttsx at 3250fps

Rifles / Rifle build
« on: March 26, 2022, 01:55:17 PM »
So I just won an auction on a cz550 action with the rigby bolt face and I've been chomping at the bit for a 460 weatherby and I am wanting to start this build but something feels sacrilegious about a weatherby cartridge on a cz action but I know all the african ph's like a good crf action so that will be fine I guess but is there any things I should consider for this build so far I am leaning towards a bell and Carlson stock and for the barrel it's wide open but none the less it will be around 11-12 pounds complete with open sights and a removable muzzle brake (so I can shoot it more often) but I also want a low powered scope to go on it since my eye sight isn't what it used to be for those 150-200 yard shots. Am I missing anything I need to consider other than twin recoil lugs

Rifles / Re: Rifle wait time
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:59:22 PM »
I just emailed them so hopefully I'm a few days ill have an answer, I guess I could always just rebarrel my 30-378 accumark

Rifles / Rifle wait time
« on: December 29, 2021, 10:43:54 AM »
I am in the planning stage of my african safari. I want to take a mark v deluxe in 378, 416 or 460 it really doesn't matter to me at this point, would it be best to wait for them to come in stock or order from the custom option. I'd prefer the 375 weatherby for the versatility but in this day in age I take what I can get the soonest so I can become proficient with it and use it on a warm up hunt this summer for nilgai what would you recommend

Rifles / Re: 30-378 rebarrel
« on: August 11, 2021, 09:39:48 AM »
I average out at 50 rounds a month, sometimes more sometimes less

Rifles / Re: What do you think the new wby round is
« on: August 09, 2021, 09:38:51 AM »
I would love to see a 358-378, I've always wanted a 358 sta and have been in love with that cartridge for many years and if weatherby made a cartridge to rival I would be all over it, but I don't believe the next cartridge will be the 358-378, I honestly think it could be a 27 rpm (to take advantage of the new higher b.c. bullets and too shut down the 6.8 western for good) or a 300 rpm or even a 338 rpm

Rifles / 30-378 rebarrel
« on: August 07, 2021, 07:34:37 PM »
So after this season it might be time to rebarrel my 30-378 and I am thinking of taking the opportunity to have it rebarreled to a 378 weatherby. I love the 30 but I also want something bigger for alaska and africa and it seems to me that it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to find a replacement 30-378 instead of a 378. Has anybody done this or could tell me the pros and cons

I agree that whitetail getting that big isn't for me as I have plenty of other opportunities to hunt whitetail but I could see some people wanting a deer that is just a monster, another point I'd like to make about exotics in a high fence is the ability to take all of the meat which has been super cool and have had some amazing meat from animals I would have to travel to far off places just to hunt and then wouldn't be able to take the meat home

I think it has its place. I've hunted quite a bit in high fence and it's all what you make it, it can be as hard as you want it or as easy. It's not a walk in the park or shooting fish in a barrel if you pick a big enough ranch and go on foot. I think it's important to have high fence hunting as we should all be on the same team as hunters since there are so many people against us we have to ban together. I enjoy hunting free range as much as the next guy and do it every year but I also enjoy high fence hunting for exotics as a freezer filler at the end of the year or chasing a specific species that I've worked hard for. To each their own I suppose, most who oppose high fence hunting haven't actually done it from my experience

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