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Messages - txaggie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 91
I spend about 120-150 bucks a month in feed and we average half a dozen eggs a day so please forgive me when folks complain about the price of eggs. I've been paying almost a dollar an egg for years - lol

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Accumark cleaning
« on: February 15, 2025, 06:49:48 PM »
I have had many over there years and still a couple in the arsenal - very accurate easy to maintain is my experience. Going to shoot a couple in the morning 30-378 and 7stw just got new scopes on them.

Other than the weight of these rifles I have no complaints! :)

Allot of brass can be found on GB right now as well, most of which you can go to a website and get same price/less fee's. Midway seems to be middle of the road on pricing that brass for 6.5-300 right now;

Whitetail Deer / Re: Kansas BIG Boy
« on: February 03, 2025, 05:20:49 PM »
that's a stud, that's what happens with the old mid speed 6.5-300 lol ;)

how did those 156 bergers do internally?

This morning I woke up checking emails and local news channels social media over a warm cup of coffee just like any other day.

I quickly read on facebook about our local HS in Georgetown in lockdown/shutdown over a threat. My kids have all graduated as did I from what use to be this small town high school. The school was finally cleared after 4 hours to resume after school activities as most students never made it to the school it happened so early.

as of 5pm today GPD posted that Authorities which include GPD and Texas Ranges have positively identified a 16 year old Juvenile from the state of Georgia who had admitted to the crime. They will be working with the state of Georgia authorities to press charges against this juvenile for 3rd degree felony of terroristic threat.

What in hell is going on in our world -


Back in the day I had an uncle that was a gun nut, playing with odd loads. He loaded me some 125's for my 30-06 can't recall the flavor of bullet and too young to really understand but they would hit like lightning I knew that much! lol

I do not see how something moving that fast could survive impact unless it was a solid. That's crazy velocities;

Those are outstanding rifles - some incredible wood made those rascals. I'm sure i will kick myself harder for not biting the bullet - i'm sure pricing isn't ever going down; lol

Thank you Adam and the weatherby team for making gems;

Accessories / Many Stocks if someone needs one
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:16:41 PM »
I have several stocks i've removed, replaced or upgraded along the way.

I have two LH original black/grey accumark stocks - both in good condition.

I have a RH deluxe stock that was included with a 300 weatherby i acquired that also had a euromark style stock. Debating on switching it back as it's gloss finish and selling rifle unless someone is interested.

I also have a RH ULW 6 lug snow camo stock

DM me if your interested figured i would put it out here first to any nation friends before ebay or something like that.

Rifles / Re: West German Mark V 300 Best way to sell
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:13:03 PM »
Good luck with it, hope she finds a home that appreciates it as much as you.

Rifles / Re: West German Mark V 300 Best way to sell
« on: January 10, 2025, 03:08:05 PM »
I would surf gunbroker/gunsinternational and compare what's moving and what's sitting. Things priced to move are, things which are rare gems will still bring a good dollar. Be honest with yourself when comes to pricing if you want it to sell, if you want a certain amount and that maybe unrealistic and your good with letting it sit, it's a free country.

That said 300's are everywhere you should be able to compare yours to what's on the market and price/list accordingly.

Good luck,

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Eggs
« on: January 08, 2025, 03:52:11 PM »
we have a dozen hens, haven't purchased eggs in 2 years, some is panic also;

Americans we say for the good of the people but we mean what's best for me!

Your logic is solid,

My personal preference is to sacrifice a little weight which isn't much for the lighted reticle - sure helps me with the low light stuff and especially hogs. Get a black hog to walk out right at dark sure hard to pickup where the cross hairs are for my aging eyes! LOL

I have a scope like you mention on a 257 i picked up for the wife and first thought was pull it, but it's slender looks good on the rifle which has open sights so i left it and she loves it, so what do i know! :)

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Federal 7BC cartridge
« on: January 07, 2025, 07:44:18 PM »
80k PSI in a alloy case (not brass) and touted with the heavy for caliber bullets long-range tactical applications... meh. I bet reloading for this will not be cheap. The Q&A on their website says to stayed tuned for future details on reloading tooling, data and instructions.

I think I'll stick with my trusty 7mm lineup of:
7x57, 280 Rem, 7mm Rem Mag, 7mm Wby Mag, & 28 Nosler

I think you have .284 covered

fact! LOL - i have 7rem, 7stw, 7wby and 280 - been thinking something in the 284 for the wife, but I dream up allot of reasons to own yet another rifle cartridges' so i'm not the voice of reason!

I think that's a realistic scope option - personally i have several vx5 3-15x44 with dot reticles and dials i'm extremely fond of. Makes a lethal combo to dial and shoot 4-600 yards for a common man that's pretty impressive in hunting scenarios.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Federal 7BC cartridge
« on: January 07, 2025, 03:46:45 PM »
I've always wondered why weatherby hasn't offered the 7mm in a faster twist as they are offering prc and now this one.

Pretty impressive data on short barrel rifles,

i'm refraining from the 307 just because i need another rifle like a hole in my head, but hmm would be a nice gap for the wife from her 338-06 to 257 :)

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