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Messages - r.ellison2010

Pages: [1]
Custom Shop / Re: New Custom Shop Order
« on: April 09, 2020, 09:58:03 AM »
hello, i got my custom shop order in about 60 days, you rifle will come in a plain brown box, with weatherby rifle cardboard box inside, no thrills until you open the box!!!!!!!!!

Bummer. Its not that big a deal, but it would be a nice touch. Thanks for the feedback.

Custom Shop / Re: New Custom Shop Order
« on: April 09, 2020, 09:56:43 AM »
The red ones are really hard to come by

Where can I get my hands on one of those cases? Those are sweet.

Custom Shop / New Custom Shop Order
« on: April 08, 2020, 12:17:10 PM »
Hi all, new to the forum and from what I can tell there is a ton of good info here. I placed an order with the custom shop on 3/31/20 for an Accumark 6.5 CM. Really looking forward to receiving and shooting the new rifle.

Quick question- do you know if the rifle will come with a case of any type? I know other semi/custom rifle makers include a  pelican case with custom cutouts that are included in the purchase. Just curious!


Custom Shop / Re: Lead time
« on: April 08, 2020, 12:08:59 PM »
Does anybody have a accurate account of lead time for a rifle from the custom shop these days? Throwing around the possibility of having a 257 built

My order was placed on 3/31/20 and on a follow-up call to the shop on 4/1 they said they are holding true to their 90 day lead time. I hope it is sooner!

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