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Messages - Brodyhowarth

Pages: [1]
Rifles / Re: West German .300 wby mag
« on: May 22, 2024, 11:51:19 AM »
Ya if your set on the stock refinish as a fine piece I'd check them out, tom knows his stocks;

I definitely have some that take good pictures with dead animals because the camera isn't zoomed in! I have a blonde LH 270 that shoots lights out pretty from afar, up close its a used gun but she still goes and hangs out in the woods with me from time to time! If your going to use it, might look past all of that and just roll with it.

I have a lazermark stock that is spider webbed might look them up and see about refinishing that one, it's a beautiful piece of wood no dings just the ole webbing issue;

I’m torn between making it an heirloom quality rifle and making it a user rifle, it’s my first Weatherby so I would like to get it out and take some game with it but I also want to keep it in good shape and have it around for decades to come. I’m thinking I’ll wind up buying a newer Mk.V in the coming months maybe something I won’t feel bad lugging through brush.

I sent an email to Jim and he quoted me just shy of $1000 usd, that includes repair of the cracks, refinishing and cutting the checkering, refinishing the stock, and shipping

 I emailed Weatherby directly and they told me they could only replace it with a #2 contour deluxe stock for $750 usd. It being a stamped, numbers matching stock, and in my opinion one of the most beautiful pieces of wood I have ever seen I think I’ll shell out the extra $250 usd and keep it around for years to come

Rifles / Re: West German .300 wby mag
« on: May 21, 2024, 12:20:06 PM »
I purchased the rifle, and I have good and bad news, the good news being all the steel on the rifle is beautiful, the bluing is still almost perfect, with exeption to a few high wear areas, there’s not a speck of rust on the gun and the action is smoother than a newborns bum. The bad news starts when we look at the stock, the rifle has definitely been dropped, there is some bad cracks down the action area of the stock, im currently looking for a good gunsmith to send the stock to for repair, I want to keep the stock it came with as it’s stamped with the serial number and the grain of the wood is gorgeous. If anyone here has any recommendations of gunsmiths in North America that do really good stock work please feel free to send me a message

Rifles / West German .300 wby mag
« on: May 07, 2024, 11:41:00 AM »
I’m looking at buying a west German made .300 mag that is stamped “Southgate”, it has a high gloss wood stock that looks very similar to a deluxe model, however the barrel is 24” and it has open sights, what model of rifle am i looking at? And is it worth picking up for around 700$

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