- Total Time Spent Online:
- 1 days, 19 hours and 17 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 109 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 24 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
No posts to speak of!
- Rifles
36 posts of the member's 109 posts (33.03%)36
- Around the Campfire (General Discussion)
21 posts of the member's 109 posts (19.27%)21
- Ammo
16 posts of the member's 109 posts (14.68%)16
- Reloading
11 posts of the member's 109 posts (10.09%)11
- Other Big Game
8 posts of the member's 109 posts (7.34%)8
- Optics
6 posts of the member's 109 posts (5.50%)6
- Rifles
5 posts of the member's 109 posts (4.59%)5
- Elk
4 posts of the member's 109 posts (3.67%)4
- African
2 posts of the member's 109 posts (1.83%)2
- Rifles
1 posts of the member's 109 posts (0.92%)1
- Other Big Game
8 posts of the board's 1335 posts (0.60%)0.60%
- African
2 posts of the board's 334 posts (0.60%)0.60%
- Ammo
16 posts of the board's 3722 posts (0.43%)0.43%
- Elk
4 posts of the board's 1181 posts (0.34%)0.34%
- Optics
6 posts of the board's 1835 posts (0.33%)0.33%
- Rifles
5 posts of the board's 2820 posts (0.18%)0.18%
- Rifles
1 posts of the board's 632 posts (0.16%)0.16%
- Reloading
11 posts of the board's 8617 posts (0.13%)0.13%
- Rifles
36 posts of the board's 34634 posts (0.10%)0.10%
- Around the Campfire (General Discussion)
21 posts of the board's 156968 posts (0.01%)0.01%