- Total Time Spent Online:
- 20 days, 2 hours and 58 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2697 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 324 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 1 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
- 2 am
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- 1 pm
- 2 pm
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- 10 pm
- 11 pm
- Around the Campfire (General Discussion)
2452 posts of the member's 2697 posts (90.92%)2452
- Rifles
57 posts of the member's 2697 posts (2.11%)57
- Reloading
40 posts of the member's 2697 posts (1.48%)40
- Optics
32 posts of the member's 2697 posts (1.19%)32
- Rifles
27 posts of the member's 2697 posts (1.00%)27
- Ammo
17 posts of the member's 2697 posts (0.63%)17
- Accessories
14 posts of the member's 2697 posts (0.52%)14
- Other Big Game
14 posts of the member's 2697 posts (0.52%)14
- Whitetail Deer
7 posts of the member's 2697 posts (0.26%)7
- Mule Deer
6 posts of the member's 2697 posts (0.22%)6
- Varmint
3 posts of the board's 172 posts (1.74%)1.74%
- Optics
32 posts of the board's 1835 posts (1.74%)1.74%
- Turkey
5 posts of the board's 293 posts (1.71%)1.71%
- Around the Campfire (General Discussion)
2452 posts of the board's 156985 posts (1.56%)1.56%
- Adding Video to Spike Camp
2 posts of the board's 138 posts (1.45%)1.45%
- African
4 posts of the board's 334 posts (1.20%)1.20%
- Mule Deer
6 posts of the board's 516 posts (1.16%)1.16%
- Other Big Game
14 posts of the board's 1335 posts (1.05%)1.05%
- Accessories
14 posts of the board's 1391 posts (1.01%)1.01%
- Equipment
4 posts of the board's 407 posts (0.98%)0.98%