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Topics - eford

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Mountain lion
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:49:40 PM »
It's finally happened: I saw a large mountain lion and a much smaller one in one of my favorite hunting areas, not very far from where I live. The hidden canyon has lots of water, great cover, and fields of everything white tails and mulies like to eat. Now I know it has something that likes to eat them. My son and I were able to watch the small one about 20 minutes later as it was watching something in a pasture. 
Time to get some trail cameras up to prove the apex predator of the High Plains is indeed right here  -- some people just don't want to believe certain things.

The last two times at the range have verified beyond any doubt that the holdover points on the Redfield Revolution AccuRange reticle are spot-on for a 300 Wby at 300 and 400yds. I was skeptical about shooting at 9x, but a tech rep I spoke with at Leupold/Redfield recommended it since that is the magnification the reticle was designed for. I tried it from 300yds at 7x and 8x, but the POI was higher than I wanted. 9x is the way to go.
Since the 300yd shots were going well, I tried 400yds and I was pleased with what I got. I know the 400yd shot is not going to be the normal distance, but at least I know I can do it.
When the S2s arrive, I will get a 257 Wby with a Revolution riding it. The question is bead blasted blue or stainless steel for the 257 Wby?

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Redfield Revolution scope
« on: March 13, 2011, 01:32:32 PM »
Big-time thumbs-up for the Redfield Revolution scope with the AccuRange reticle. I finally got a 3-9x40mm and put it on my 300 Wby Sporter. Right after sighting it in, the next three shots produced a sub-1" group. (See profile pic)
Anyone with champagne taste and a 7-Up budget will enjoy the quality of a Leupold at a lot less money. I liked the AccuRange reticle better than the bullet drop compensator one on the Nikon ProStaffaff -- they're about the same price. The Redfield's hold-over points are right on, so I will not hesitate if a 300 yard shot at a lazy whitetail buck presents itself. Also impressive is the image clarity. I am ready to get another one.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Pre-Season picks
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:02:57 AM »
The pre-season hunt "counting" has started (for me, at least). Right after sundown last night, I spotted 14 mulies as the came out of creek area. About 300yds west of them was a herd of at least 22 white tails. I saw no visible antlers as I think all of them have been cast but there are certainly some large-bodied deer gaining weight off of the green wheat in SW Kansas.   What does the pre-season look like for all of you?

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / 270 Accuracy Part II
« on: February 21, 2011, 08:46:32 PM »
This summer I did a lot of experimenting / working up various powder loads and various bullet weights and designs, arriving (I think correctly) at the conclusion that my 270 Win simply didn't print 130gn boat tails like it can 130gn flat bottom or 140gn boat tail bullets.
I recently learned more.
On a whim, I decided to try some 130gn Nosler ballitic tips I loaded this summer. Knowing they have a slight boat tail, I was hoping they would print as well as the others I know do well, but I didn't know how the 270s barrel would react to this particular type of boat tail. I know the Hornady InterBonds print high and left compared to the others.
I was amazed at what I saw---see the pic below. From a cold barrel with no slighter rounds at all, I shot a sub 1" group at 200yds. The 49gn of H-414 and the 130gn Nosler ballitic tips were super. To those who gave advise on how to overcome the mystery of how some bullets print better than others, Thank you again.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Poachers
« on: January 03, 2011, 12:03:11 PM »
   Your opinions on poaching, please. How bad is the poaching of big game where you live? Please rate it on a scale of 1 -10, with 10 being the worst rating.
   FYI: This season I personally have heard of four large white tail bucks being taken out of season by riflehunters. All of bucks had their heads cut off, right in front of the shoulders and one had the backstraps cut off.
   I'm going to rate where I live and hunt as a 7 since I still believe there are a lot of bucks left. I saw two large bucks this weekend during antlerless-only season, plus I saw a decent number of smaller bucks after the regular rifle season ended in Kansas.
   As far as I know, no poachers have been caught in this area of the state.

Rifles / Value of a 1950s Southgate Weatherby 270
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:38:50 AM »
I saw a nice-looking 1950s-era Southgate Weatherby 270 at an auction and am curious what anything thinks the value of such a rifle would be? I think the barrel was 24", it had a clean Mauser action and what I think is a Weatherby-style Monte Carlo stock.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Rifle recoil calculator
« on: August 14, 2010, 07:42:48 PM »
The Excel spreadsheet has the rifle recoil formula from the 49th edition of the Lyman reloading manual.  If you want to find recoil for a rifle in foot pounds, all you have to do is input the rifle weight, bullet weight, powder weight, and muzzle velocity into the spreadsheet.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / .270 Win recommended loads
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:01:08 PM »
My new .270 Win shoots 140gn bullets fine, but the 130gr bullets are all high and left. I think the high 130s are due to the barrel whipping up, thus causing the bullets to print high @ 200yds. I think a barrel deresenator will help the problem, but I'm asking for any suggetions on how to make the 130s shoot as low as the nicely-grouping 140s do.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Redfield rifle scope
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:15:17 PM »
Does anyone have feedback on the new Redfield rifle scopes made by Leupold? I am thinking about gettting a 3-9x40 and am very interested in what real hunters think of these scopes.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / New caliber for deer
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:57:05 PM »
Is there any interest in a new caliber for deer and small game? Where I live, .23cal is the smallest caliber allowed, but there is no rifle made (that I know of) to chamber a round that size. Would a .233 or a .235cal using a a necked-down 240 Wby Mag case be something anyone is interested in? Your thoughts, please.

Rifles / Relaod suggestions for 257 Weatherby
« on: August 28, 2009, 09:15:39 PM »
I'm getting a 257 Weatherby Magnum and will be loading my own ammo for it. Any powder / load / bullet type and weight suggestions for deer and elk?

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