Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Our theories and beliefs about ballistics
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:53:11 AM »
My 2 cents I live in MI. where 200 yards is A long shot. But theres A reason I have A 300 Wby. mag with A 4-12 power scope Im just being honest here. If conditions were right that being no to low wind im confident to take A shot out to 500 yards on that trophy of A life time with using only hold over. Wind is A whole diffrent ball game. A 10 mph cross wind can blow A 30-06 bullet 3 feet now im guessing with no refrence to lean on. I have read stories where the guide says give him A fence post. Meanig the lead of the fence post spacing on running game thats just nuts.But with all the tools that ae now out range finders and wind gauges it does promte hunters to try. but even with All that for me 500 yards would be my limit with good conditions and knowin my trajectory inside out. There are 2 reasons Bear guides make you get close 1 so you have An accurate hit. the other of course so you have maxium energy. those same rules should apply just to be ethical.