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Messages - grizzly340

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Accessories / Re: Game Caller
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:13:32 PM »
Thanks Roger I did and I made the correction. I had one of the old johnny stewart tape players but e-bayed it when the new ones came out. Just never bought one yet.  It was very heavy and when your A novice in snow shoes weight matters.

Accessories / Game Caller
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:38:31 PM »
Hi Im in the market for A electronic game caller wanted to spend around  $200
I was thinking the johnny Stewart PM4 but just read about the the Fox Pro Spitfire
any thoughts?

What state are you hunting in Eagle Rider ? Those old 7400 shoot pretty good. I went with the browning because I was told by A good freind they shoot as accurate as A bolt. lol not mine it walks down then back up no matter what I tried finaly I went factory and 180 grain round nose they stay at 2 1/2" for A 5 shot group.But another freind has A 7400 in 270 that holds 1" groups with anything he shoots.

Good luck Glenn
Looks like you did your part and are Dialed in. I hope the deer does his part and shows up. Hopefully the Detroit Lions will give you something to watch with your dinner. GO LIONS

Whitetail Deer / Re: 25-06 vs 7mm-08
« on: November 18, 2011, 04:39:13 PM »
They say that A 308 is 90% of the 30-06 so it would stad to reason the 7mm-08 is 90% of the .280 and 90% of the .280 is one fine Cartridge. Specaly if your looking to build A compact deer rifle topped with A 2-7 x 32 Leupold your good to go. Thats just what I fixed up for my better half with A Remington model 7. Great little setup

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Trying new loads
« on: November 18, 2011, 10:25:10 AM »
Thanks I will see how my load groups and if not happy I will try the H4831 load. Sounds like you have the perfect Rifle  / Bullet And load for Long range Elk.

Whitetail Deer / Re: Got mine !
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:56:39 PM »
Ok Roger You asked for it.
I have hunted the same ridge in upper MI. For 20 of the last 30 years. I Took A buck each of the 1st 4 years 8 / 7 / 6 / spike it is A natural escape route. then they clear cut accross the rd. wrecking the spot. I went back 3 years ago and finaly seen A buck last year. but he was at the bottom and 2 steps he was in the cedar swamp I couldnt see him because of A draw so this year I move 30 yards to the laft so I could see both draws 1 left and 1 right. but 2 weeks before season they clear cutt the ridge I normaly have A 40 to 60 yard shot so my MI. deer rifle is A browning bar 30-06 this year A deer apeared way to my right would have never seen him with out the clear cutting I glassed him and seen horns. Here in MI. 1 in 7 takes home A deer of any kind so im not picky. I moved my sticks to the side window of my pop up blind and fired he just dropped in his tracks I then ranged him at 154 yards the longest shot I have made here buy A longshot ( parden the pun ) but like I said happy to have him.

Whitetail Deer / Re: Got mine !
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:55:36 PM »
Very Nice Troy & Golfer
Congratulations are in order. I got mine to but after seeing yours im not showing him. But he did get A 10 year Michigan monkey off my back.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Trying new loads
« on: November 17, 2011, 04:22:36 PM »
Ridgerunner what load did you use. Was it the 81.5 grs. of 4831 /  I will try it. I have been using the 87.5 grs. of 7828 Just because it was the most Accurate load tested in the nosler #5 book and plenty fast. But that was just to get the scope sighted in. I Haven shot any for A group test yet.

Optics / Re: Spotting Scope Recommendations
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:39:47 AM »
Shoes and Optics are two things you usualy get what you pay for. being anal and German ( Whats the diffrence ) I went with A leupold Sequoia 15-45x60 because it was cheap and I was tought never to use that word but it was cheap and it was A Leuplod wich is all I use. but when it comes to seeing 22 cal holes at 100 yards in those varmint targets its A 50 / 50 deal at best.  I wish I had spent A little more.

LOL were more likly to get the sceret recipe from KFC before Weatherby gives out that info. But I do know they use alot of Norma MRP

Thanks That all confirms what I have read over the years. But some of those cans have sat on the shelf for 15 years or so. And with all the brains on here thought I would ask.

Reloading / Re: Reloading for Semi-Auto
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:54:45 PM »
Yes I looked up your gun library and seen the Benelli. Looks to pretty to hunt with. but you should be fine that action im sure is smoother than the browning.I have allways like the 150 grain pushed by 59.grs. of imr 4350 at 3000 fps. I do use the accubond because I have had some lesser bullets blow up.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Weatherby Calendar
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:07:29 PM »
Great Idea  im in.

Reloading / Re: Reloading for Semi-Auto
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:13:48 PM »
Mike I shoot  A browning BAR In 30-06 im Guesing you do to cause its the only one I know that is chambered for the 300 win. But I have never crimped My cases you can for A little extra Piece of mind but not necesary At least I have never had A problem. And A short base die just holds A little tighter tollarence Not A bad idea for the browning if thats what your shooting but again not necesary. Most importain is to chamber every case after reloading to make sure it will cycle properly  and that includes Putting them in the clip. seat the bullet deep enough to make sure they fit into the clip. but every manual should have that oal max length in it.

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