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Messages - grizzly340

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 224 Weatherby Mag
« on: November 07, 2011, 07:10:58 PM »
I would love to see Weatherby bring back the 224 even for A limited run. My boss offered me his when I went to wyoming pronghorn hunting to thin out some prarrie dogs. And even thru in 3 boxes of ammo. I was happy to bring it along and I got A chance to shoot it but the scope was off and my freind was shooting video of me and was yelling in A loud clear Voice MISSED   MISSED AGAIN it was pretty humbling. But it was A gorgeous rifle topped with A leupold 4-12x40 AO I would love to have one just like it. In fact im going to watch that old tape right now if I can get it put on CD I will post it For A laugh.

Ammo / Re: Weatherby Short Magnum
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:55:57 PM »
Well Put Ron. I know im bgetting off topic here. But I think the lack of bullets is holding back The 358 STA That Cartridge bridges the gap between .338 & .375 and its based on the same 8mm mag case. And would rule the roost in Alaska. But again imnot about to turn in my 340 & 375 shust to pick one up. Fun to talk about thou.

Ammo / Re: Weatherby Short Magnum
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:17:36 AM »
Yes I rember when remington did that to the 280 and they allso under powered the 8mm Rem. Mag another sweet cartridge that has now gone by the way side. One reason that Weatherby mite not have jumped on the short mag band wagon is if im not mistaken All short mags are beltless and Weatherby has become synonimis with  the belt I mean they even put it on the 224 but it sure looked cool. lol

Ammo / Re: Weatherby Short Magnum
« on: November 06, 2011, 09:19:22 PM »
Well as far as no harm maybe not to the gun nuts on this site.But there are plenty of people who are not like us and there are thoudands of cases of them loading the wrong case in the wrong rifle. thats why rem. had to change the name of the 7mm express back to 280 to many cases of it being loaded in the 7mm mag. and so on. But I agree where would we be with out the Wildcaters AKA Roy Weatherby.

Optics / Re: Target Scope Or Hunting Scope
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:41:09 PM »
Hi Ron Was able to get A lb. of Tac I was happy to find it at Williams because there were only 4 places in the state that were sapost to carry it and they were not one of them. But of course I bought small mag. cci primers getting old didnt see the little red magnum above the big white small rifle.But anyway im eager to work up A couple of loads for the primer / powder test.

Other Big Game / Re: Bull moose back at camp (my first moose)
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:49:18 PM »
Very nice Lone Pine what caliber did you use?

Ammo / Re: Weatherby Short Magnum
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:39:32 PM »
lol I noticed but did want to sound insulting.Truth is with remington alone having the 7mm-08 / 280 (7mm express)  / 7mm rem. mag. /  7mm STW / 7mm Ultra Mag. / 7mm SAUM. And 30 cals being even worse. I know that only one of those is A short mag. But they went way overboard with those. And in 10 years you will have to handload just to be able to shoot your rifle with A number of them like the 223 wssm. And Hornady and Ruger throwing their hats into the ring. I think we have to many Repeat calibers allready. Im Glad Weatherby has stayed out of this Market.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: The shot I never took
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:59:10 PM »
Awesome and you can tell your shooting A Weatherby to boot. I live for sights like that.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Legend Calibres
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:11:51 PM »
I know what your saying I hate change. There was A day when I said I would never own A stainless rifle with A plastic stock. But after having a rifle rust on A 2 day drive home from Quebec and reading other horror stories I changed my mind. And putting hammer block safties on lever actions looked bad to. But if we could have only one life back of those lost by loading and unloading the older ones it would be worth it. The only new fangled gaget I have yet to buy is A deer Cam lol and I maybe slowly changing my mind on them. I guess im thinking if you phtograph A monster it might make you hunt longer and harder and thats A good thing. But for now im happy just knowing A brute could pop out at anytime.

Mule Deer / Re: Muley Hunt
« on: November 03, 2011, 08:05:04 PM »
Very Nice Troy
Both shots Very impressive. You said you dialed your scope is it one of the CDS you were telling me about?

African / Re: too much gun?
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:49:48 AM »
I like Billys Anser. It was built to be the Baddest Stopper on the planet. And you said the majic words YOU Like it and YOU shoot it well. Nothing else matters.Thats what the PH is going to ask you and he is going to be looking to see how well you handle it when he watches you sight in. And they All say Americans cant shoot. So make us Proud

I have to say the 300 I have the old add laminated on my desk. The 300 Weatherby Magnum Shoots Faster Flater and hits Harder than any other 30 cal. Thats what your paying for.

Love that add.

Optics / Re: Target Scope Or Hunting Scope
« on: November 02, 2011, 06:47:50 PM »
Thanks Guys The only thing wrong with doing the research is that it will have to be done during the MIchigan winter other than that its all Play to me. And I will have to do alot of it on my belly that little up hill shooting at targets slightly above you makes A diffrence. Because our targets have to hang from A wire but must be above the wood to keep the burm from slidding so zeroing from the bench dosent work.

Optics / Re: Target Scope Or Hunting Scope
« on: November 02, 2011, 04:53:52 PM »
Yes me to Ron I have cans of powder that just sit if they dont preform. But I must say I would have never tried either of the powders you mentioned with out this conversation. I have A lot of once fired remington UMC brass is that any good?

Optics / Re: Target Scope Or Hunting Scope
« on: November 02, 2011, 03:03:12 PM »
Wow Ron Thanks All good stuff. And I will locate some Hornady 50 gr. flat base bullets &  wolf primers I think I have remington and cci and I will do this test sounds Like A real time saver and get some good data all at the same time. Here in MI its sight in days at my club for the big Nov.15th deer opener so by thanksgiving I will post some targets if any are worth A hoot. and I think your right I should find something thats stands out. Then I will have to deside if I want to tip my hand in dec. or wait till next march when varmint leauge starts. Cause I think were going to raise the bar A mite.

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