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Messages - buffybr

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Guns let go.
« on: February 10, 2025, 09:00:21 AM »
I've also only sold one gun in my over 60 years of shooting and hunting.  It was a Rem 700 ADL in 7mm RM that I got for my 1st South African hunt, and for a Canadian Arctic hunt where I was lucky enough to get a B&C caribou and a B&C muskox.  After that hunt I traded in at a friend's pawn shop for a stainless Rem 700 BDL in 7mm RM that I recently altered a Weatherby Vanguard Griptonite stock to fit its barreled action.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Sunday
« on: January 19, 2025, 09:01:01 AM »

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Eggs
« on: January 09, 2025, 08:21:46 AM »
A couple of days ago, a King Sooper's in a South West Denver suburb had cage free large eggs for $10.99 a dozen.  >:(

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Canada and Trump
« on: December 17, 2024, 09:21:27 AM »
Little Castro is afraid that Trump will make good on his call to make Canada our 51st state.  ;D

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Dec 7
« on: December 09, 2024, 09:19:16 AM »
My Dad was re-called to active duty in the Navy during the Korean war with his duty station in Pearl Harbor.  We spent two years there, the first year we lived in a little house in Honolulu and the second year we lived in an apartment in the Pearl Harbor base.  I attend 2nd grade in the school on the base and we kids played in some of the bombed buildings on the base.  I can remember finding spent .50 BMG brass on the base and on some of the beaches around the harbor.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Scopes these days…?
« on: December 03, 2024, 11:21:53 AM »
I'm definately old school when it comes to rifles with walnut stocks and high gloss blued metal, but two of my now favorite rifles have plastic stocks and matte finish scopes.

When I bought my .300 Weatherby about 15 years ago, it was a Vanguard with a matte finish in a glossy, but plain walnut stock.  Before I ever fired it, I ordered a AA Fancy Feather Crotch semi inleted walnut blank from Richards and finished and hand checkered it into beautiful stock.  But it really hurt to take it out in foul weather, so my 7mm RM Remington 700 in it's Remington plastic stock became my foul weather rifle that I used on more, and especially international hunts where wet weather could be expected.

I have a couple of other Wby Vanguards, a .223 and a .308 Win, with matte finished stainless metal, in Griptonite plastic stocks.  These are my weekly take to the range practice rifles and I like to feel of the Griptonite stocks.

Then a couple of years ago I saw an add for 2 long action Vanguard Griptonite stocks, so I bought them and made a foul weather stock for my .300 Wby with one, and I altered the other one to fit on my Rem 700 7mm RM barrel and action.

My .300 Wby Vanguard with it's Fancy walnut stock...

And in it's Griptonite stock...

And my 7mm RM Rem 700 in it's Griptonite stock...

I have Leupold variable CDL scopes on most of my hunting rifles.  When hunting I have the scope's power set to the lowest level and the CDL zero set at 100 or 200 yds.  That way all I have to do is aim and shoot at any animal closer than 200 yds, and usually if the animal is farther away than 200 yds, it's probably not spooked, and I'll have time to range the distance and adjust the scope for that distance.

I-25 south of Buffalo is also 80.

I drive through Wyoming about 4 or 5 times a year, but at least 3 of them are in the winter.  I think the starting place of wind is somewhere in Wyoming, and wind and snow don't mix, so even with not so major snowstorms, Wyoming just closes parts of the 3 Interstate roads there.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Pic of our next President.
« on: October 27, 2024, 08:58:52 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think that almost everything that is wrong with America can be traced back to democrat "leadership."

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Leupold VX Freedom 3-9x40
« on: October 01, 2024, 08:14:36 AM »
I have Leupold VX 3i CDS scopes on several of my rifles, and I also put VX Freedom 3-9x40 CDS scopes on my Rem 541T .22LR and on my .375 RUM.  All of them work great!

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Custom Rifles.
« on: May 04, 2024, 10:15:09 AM »
Most of my rifles have some custom work done to them.

My first centerfire rifle was a .30-06 that I bought from Herter's back in 1967.  It was a barreled action and a semi-inleted walnut stock that I shaped, glass bedded, checkered with a skip line pattern, and finished.  Ten years later I had a gunsmith re-chamber it to .30 Gibbs.  That rifle put 29 elk into my freezer.

In the late '70s I bought an Interarms Mark X Mauser .25-06 barreled action and another Mark X action.  I had my gunsmith re-chamber the .25-06 to .257 Ackley and he made a tapered octogon barrel in .22-250 for the other action.  I bought Fajen semi-inleted fancy walnut stocks for them that I finished inletting, glass bedded, checkered with a 5 panel wrap around pattern, and finished.

In the early 2000s I bought a plastic stocked Rem 700 in 7 mm Rem mag.  I glass bedded that stock and lenghtened it to fit me and installed a Limbsaver pad on it.  A couple of years ago I fitted that barrel and action into a Weatherby Griptonite stock, pillar and glass bedded the action, legthened that stock to fit me, added a Houge recoil pad, then painted the stock topped with spider web.

In 2004 I bought a Rem 700 Stainless chambered in .375 RUM.  I immediately took off the factory stock and replaced it with a laminated blank from Richards that I pillar and glass bedded, checkered it with my favorite 5 panel wrap around pattern, fitted a Limbsaver pad on it, and had a KDF muzzel brake installed on it.

After wanting a Weatherby rifle for over 40 years, in 2009 I finally bought a .300 Wby Vanguard.  Again, I immediately took off the factory stock and replaced it with a AA Fancy walnut blank from Richards.  And like my .375 RUM, I pillar and glass bedded, checkered it with my favorite 5 panel wrap around pattern, fitted a Limbsaver pad on it, and had a KDF muzzel brake installed on it.  That quickly became my favorite rifle, it is now my standard elk rifle, and I have taken it on 6 international hunts.

Because I don't want take my .300 Wby with it's Fancy stock out in wet weather, last year I fitted it into a Vanguard Griptonite stock that, like my 7 mm RM, I pillar and glass bedded the action, legthened that stock to fit me, added a Houge recoil pad, then painted the stock topped with spider web.

About 5-6 years ago I bought two more Wby Vanguard rifles, one in .308 Win and the other in .223.  Both of them came in Griptonite stocks that I customized the same as I did with the Griptonite stocks for my .300 Wby and 7 mm RM.

I also have a .45 Cal percussion Kentucky rifle and a .54 Cal  percussion Hawken muzzleloading rifles that I built from kits back in the '70s.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: It's about time
« on: March 23, 2024, 10:52:44 AM »
Colorado had been Kalifornicated big time!  >:(

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Weatherby Belt Buckle
« on: March 05, 2024, 09:17:44 AM »
I don't have all of the facts of the story, but a friend of mine wears a Weatherby belt buckle that Roy personally gave him.

Something about years ago my friend shot an outstanding one hole or something group with a .460 Wby, somehow the target got back to Roy and he had it on his office wall.  Then sometime lateer, my friend visited the Weatherby factory, and when he mentioned shooting that target, he was immediatley ushered up to Roy's office, and Roy gave him that buckle.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Ammo 2024
« on: February 03, 2024, 10:33:40 AM »
 Those are devinately wicked looking bullets! A big step up from the old cut an X in the top of lead dumdum bullets.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Ammo 2024
« on: January 26, 2024, 09:30:36 AM »
I bought my first centerfire rifle, a Herter's .30-06, in 1967, and immediately started reloading for it.  When I got home from Vietnam in 1970 I bought my first pistols and shotgun, and also immediately started reloading for them.

In the '80s I got into Trap and Skeet competitions an even started making my own lead shot. 

I now have a fair Redneck full gun safe and still shoot pistols, rifles, and a shotgun almost every week throughout the year.  I figure that I've reloaded and shot over 300,000 shotgun shells, and who knows how many tens of thousands of rifle and pistol shells.  I currently have 5 shotshell reloaders and 2 rifle/pistol reloading presses on my reloading workbench.

Luckily I bought all of my reloading presses 30+ years ago when they were still reasonably priced.  My problem now is first finding the reloading components that I need, and then having to pay the current outrageous prices for them.

I thing that the Democrats thinking now is if they can't ban our guns they will make ammunition and reloading components unavailable.

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