I started using Barnes bullets when I made my .375 RUM for a Cape Buffalo hunt. I loaded 300 gr TSX bullets for that hunt and shot my Buffalo and 4 other plains game animals with those bullets. All of those bullets worked great, but the only one that I recovered was from my buffalo. All the rest were complete pass throughs.

On my next African hunt I loaded 270 gr TSX bullets for my .375 RUM. I shot 11 animals on that hunt, the Barnes bullets worked great, and only recovered these 2 bullets from a Kudu.

In 2009 I got my first Weatherby rifle, a Vanguard chambered in .300 Wby. The Barnes bullets worked so well for me in my .375 RUM that I decided to try them in my this rifle. I started with 168 gr TSX bullets, then went to 168 gr TTSX, and now I shoot 180 gr TTSX bullets in it.

My first hunt with that rifle and those bullets was an Exotic hunt in West Texas, then a couple of bull elk here in Montana, 3 hunts in Africa, and hunts in New Zealand, Azerbaijan, and Canada. Accuracy has been good with all of those bullets. Out of all of the animals that I've shot with Barnes bullets, I've only recovered 8 bullets, and all of them looked like the Barnes advertized mushrooms.
I used my .300 Wby on an Alberta moose hunt last September. For my "sight in" shots when I got to camp, I put two 180 gr Barnes TTSX handloads into this old aluminum frying pan shooting prone at 170 yards.