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Messages - buffybr

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Denim dilemma
« on: January 26, 2024, 09:10:15 AM »
I'm with you.  Except for my time in the Army in the late '60s, I wore Levi's almost every day until a few years ago when Levi's went anti-2A.  I think my Levi's fit better, but now I'm strickly Wranglers.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Here We Go
« on: January 12, 2024, 08:53:22 AM »
That makes as much sense as banning any car that has a speedometer that goes higher than posted speed limits.

Another reason I will NEVER vote for any politician that has a D behind their name.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: loading your own
« on: January 04, 2024, 10:01:34 AM »
Like I posted earlier, I've been reloading since 1967.  I've also been casting my own lead pistol, rifle, and muzzle loader bullets since the early '70s.  And have been dropping my own shot since the mid '80s.

Here's my reloading room that I've been using since 1978.
From the left, my first 12 ga reloading press, a Honey Bair, that I still use for hunting loads.
Then Pacific/Hornady 366 progressive shsotshell presses in 12, 20, 28 ga, and .410 shotshells.
Then a 450 Dillon for my pistol and .223 and .308 rifle reloading,
And my RCBS Rockchucker press for all of my other rifle cartridges up to .375 RUM.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Your Favorite 22 Rifle
« on: December 27, 2023, 05:55:05 PM »
My favorite .22 rifle is a Rem 541 T.  I lengthened it's stock to the same LOP as my hunting rifles, and topped it with a Leupold VX Freedom 3-9x40 CDS  Scope so practice with it is very similar to the fit of my hunting rifles.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: loading your own
« on: December 27, 2023, 05:48:37 PM »
I've been reloading my own ever since I bought my first centerfire rifle, a .30-06, back in 1967, and my first centerfire pistols, a Ruger .357 and a Gov't model 1911 .45 acp, in 1970, and my first shotgun, a Miroku 12 ga o/u, also in 1970.

Most of my rifles and pistols have never fired a factory round.

What advantage, if any, is there in the tipped TSX versus the TSX with no tip?
I started using Barnes TSX bullets when I built my .375 RUM for a Cape Buffalo hunt.  Accuracy and performance was great on all of the animals, from a Chobe bushbuck to my Buffalo, that I hunted on that trip.

So 5 years later when I bought my first Weatherby, a .300 Wby Vanguard, I decided to try Barnes bullets in it.  I started with 168 gr TSX bullets, and accuracy and performance was good with them.  Then, while preparing for another hunt, I decided to try 168 gr TTSX bullets. 

The TTSX bullets were just slightly more accurate in my rifle than the TSX bullets were.  Performance on game animals was great with both bullets.

A few years after than, I thought that I'd  try some 180 gr TTSX bullets in my .300 Wby.  Accuracy and performance was also great with those bullets, so now those are my hunting bullets for that rifle.

Very nice. Great using an old aluminum frying pan target. You can hang them with the hole in the handle or if no place to hang it, just push the handle into the ground.
The problem was that the aluminum offers so little resistance to a Barnes bullet at .300 Wby velocities that the frying pan didn't show any reaction to the hits from either bullet.  I practice a lot and work on my reloads so that I basically expect moa hits at 200 yds.  I expected my first shot to knock the pan down, so after my first shot, my guide said that I should have seen the look on my face as I thought that I had completely missed the frying pan.

I started using Barnes bullets when I made my .375 RUM for a Cape Buffalo hunt. I loaded 300 gr TSX bullets for that hunt and shot my Buffalo and 4 other plains game animals with those bullets.  All of those bullets worked great, but the only one that I recovered was from my buffalo.  All the rest were complete pass throughs.

On my next African hunt I loaded 270 gr TSX bullets for my .375 RUM.  I shot 11 animals on that hunt, the Barnes bullets worked great, and only recovered these 2 bullets from a Kudu.

In 2009 I got my first Weatherby rifle, a Vanguard chambered in .300 Wby.  The Barnes bullets worked so well for me in my .375 RUM that I decided to try them in my this rifle. I started with 168 gr TSX bullets, then went to 168 gr TTSX, and now I shoot 180 gr TTSX bullets in it.

My first hunt with that rifle and those bullets was an Exotic hunt in West Texas, then a couple of bull elk here in Montana, 3 hunts in Africa, and hunts in New Zealand, Azerbaijan, and Canada.  Accuracy has been good with all of those bullets.  Out of all of the animals that I've shot with Barnes bullets, I've only recovered 8 bullets, and all of them looked like the Barnes advertized mushrooms.

I used my .300 Wby on an Alberta moose hunt last September.  For my "sight in" shots when I got to camp, I put two 180 gr Barnes TTSX handloads into this old aluminum frying pan shooting prone at 170 yards.


Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: A beer I could support
« on: December 09, 2023, 09:20:24 AM »
I grew up about 10 miles from the Coors Brewery and have been legally drinking their beer for almost 60 years.  When I moved to Montana Coors didn't distribute here, so I had to stock up every time I went to Wyoming or back to Colorado when I visited family there.

When Coors came out with Coors Light I switched to it, and other than an occasional Margarita, that's all that I drink.

Before Budweiser pulled their woke BS, Bud Lite was my back-up beer, but never again!

Occasionally I'll go to a micro brewery with friends, and I'll ask the waitress that I'll try whatever they have that tastes closest to Coors Light. 

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: the 6.5 rpm
« on: November 19, 2023, 09:30:17 AM »
Deer hunting at 1000 yards allows too much flight time of a bullet for the critter that can move . JMO!
Very true!  And wounding a game animal at that distance where it might take the shooter an hour to get to the animal and end it's suffering, in my mind, is totally unsportsmanship.  Wounding a terrorist Taliban or Hamas at that distance, so what, but not a game animal.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Opening Morning 10-point
« on: November 10, 2023, 11:22:21 AM »
Thanks! I really dig the way you did the ivories from your elk.
In 1988 my ex-wife had one of my elk ivories made into my wedding ring.  It was a novel idea back then and I really liked it.

Then in 2000-2001 we went through a very nasty (and expensive!) divorce.  I barely came out of it with my house, that I had owned and lived in for 10 years prior to meeting her, and that I had physically doubled it's size myself.

I don't wear that ring anymore.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Opening Morning 10-point
« on: November 09, 2023, 09:22:46 AM »
Great buck and story.  I like the wood on your Whelen.

Novel idea of saving and dating the brass from your kills.  I'm about 50 years and too many animals late to do that, although I did do somethint similar with the ivories of most of the elk that I have shot by writing the number of points (one side) or cow and the year on them...

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Ration that ammo
« on: November 06, 2023, 09:02:13 AM »
As long as we have a democRAT in the White House we will have ammo and component shortages...

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: All You Can Kill Elk Permits
« on: November 03, 2023, 09:44:30 AM »
This is management???

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: First Freeze
« on: November 01, 2023, 08:54:34 AM »
Two weeks ago yesterday, they were predicting snow that night here in SW Montana so I thought I would put my lawn hoses away and disconnect them.  The next morning I woke up to 3-4 inches of snow and my dog's outside water bowl was frozen solid.

The snow continued for two days and the low temps one night was 1* F.  Good thing I disconnected my hoses. :)

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