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Messages - JWDynamics

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Rifles / Re: New Guy Introductin with a Vanguard Question
« on: January 06, 2017, 10:02:24 PM »
I would recommend the .257 . Why would you get a 6.5 creedmore?

^ This!

The 257 Weatherby Mag will do anything and more that the 6.5 Creedmore will do. If you're still not satisfied, grab a 6.5-300 Weatherby!

And finally, here is my 257 Weatherby Mag. It's a Vangaurd with a cheap scope but shoots like a dream! What a great cartridge.

OK, so here's my 7mm Weatherby Mag Mark V. It will be wearing a piece of walnut soon!!! It had a cheapo scope on it at the moment but I will change it out soon, as the eye relief is sub-par.

Welcome, Jeff! God Bless Texas! That's a nice area, are you right on the lake? I know the area a little, right by Rockwall as I recall. I'm near Houston, but get up that way frequently, since my daughter lives in Mckinney (she almost ended up working for the Rockwall DA's office, but is with Collin County).

I'm probably 1/2 mile off the water. I grew up on the South side of Ray Hubbard Lake. Sounds like you know the area well. I work for the city of Garland. Thanks for the welcome!!! My wife & I love the Houston area, especially Galveston.

Sweet. Here is another yote that fell to the 257 in a WNMR.


Rifles / Re: First Weatherby
« on: January 03, 2017, 07:09:57 PM »
I would echo what others have said about considering a Weatherby cartridge. Same traffic for considering used Mark Vs or Vanguards. With a little patience, you can come across some good deals on gently used rifles.

Ahhh. Saving the best for last in the 257 Wby.

Amen! Love the 257 Roy! Speaking of, here's a coyote I took with it in early December.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Last Buck of The Season
« on: January 03, 2017, 06:53:13 PM »
Lifetime trophy right there! Congrats!!!

I know that area fairly well. Beautiful place. Nothing like the Texas Hill Country.

I should probably mention I reload for all my metallic cartridges, including my Weatherby rifles.

And finally, this is a pic of my first Vanguard. It's a Sporter model chambered in 7mm Remington Mag. While not a Weatherby cartridge, I thought I'd include it since it is still a Weatherby rifle.

I will get the pics up of my 257 Wby Mag & 7mm Wby Mag later this week.

Beautiful. You did a great job on the 300.


Moving along here... we come to my 270 Weatherby Mag. This was my first Mark V rifle. It's a Sporter model and I really lucked out with a great piece of walnut. It's wearing a 3-9x40 Leupold VX-1 (not pictured).

Next up is my 300 Weatherby. I bought this rifle for $350 on closeout at Cabelas several years ago, just after the S2 Vanguards came out. It is a Vanguard Sporter and originally came with a plastic stock but I found a beat-up vintage long-action Vanguard stock on ebay for $80 and refinished it. I think it turned out great. It wears a Weaver 3-9x40 scope currently.


Going to try and upload a few pics here... I'll have to get some pics of my 257 & 7mm Wby later this week as I couldn't find any existing in my files.

First off, here is my first Weatherby rifle. It's a 1917 Erfurt Mauser 98 chambered in 240 Weatherby. It currently wears a 3-9x40 Nikon ProStaff. Currently I have it in a glass-bedded Fajen plastic stock but there is a piece of walnut on my workbench I aim to get fitted onto this before long. It has a Timney deluxe trigger with side safety. I built this rifle in the early 2000s.

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: 257 Wby vs 6.5-300 Wby
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:10:36 PM »
Velocities are close in the lighter weight bullets but obviously the strength of the 6.5 is to step up into the 140+ gr bullets. If you had both in front of you and were to pick one for deer, antelope, etc. which would you pick and why?

Both?  ;D

I shoot 110 gr Hornady interbonds in my 257 Wby. I shoot 130 gr Sierra Pro-Hunters in my 270 Wby (might be changing soon to something else). I'm guessing I would shoot something in the 120 gr range in a 6.5-300 Wby. I'm using 120 gr Nosler BTs in my 6.5x55, but obviously a different application.

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