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Messages - .257

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Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Please vote!
« on: October 30, 2024, 05:07:50 AM »
We both voted! Agree a lot at stake, federal and state

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Dementia
« on: October 30, 2024, 05:05:55 AM »
I must be doing fine, because l can’t remember anything l have forgotten!! It is starting to make me mad when keep talking to me about it though 🤷???🤷???

Perfect that should put the whitetail in full on Rut, if you have a tag

Very nice rifle!! Hope your wife gets the buck you have targeted for her!

When l retired a bought what l thought would be a live time supply of Barnes, but the Hammers look like a good bullet to try.
Yes better photos of that rifle please

Nice Buck!

Rifles / Re: 307 Alpine CT action screws
« on: October 13, 2024, 06:35:28 AM »
While I don't own a Weatherby 307 I checked my latest MK V manual which states: Rear action screw should be tightened first to 35 in lb followed by the front action screw to 35 in lb. For wood and synthetic stocks this is the final value. For composite stocks with aluminum bedding blocks apply 55 in lb to rear screw followed by 55 in lb torque to front screw. There was no mention of loctite.

Again I do not own a Weatherby 307 I have owned several Remington 700s. Remington recommended in the past to use 35 in lb as a torque value when reassembling their rifles. I presently own 3 700s. A .222 ADL, a 700 Classic in 35 Whelen and a custom 6.5 X .284 AI. All rifles shoot consistently well with the .222 ADL shooting sub 1/2 three shot groups on a regular basis. No mention of use of a thread sealant was mentioned.

Evidently they have different procedures for the 307..  If in doubt call Weatherby customer service at 1-307-675-7480Monday morning.

Nice list of guns!
What velocity do you get with the 6.5-284 AI? Asking because that is one of my favorite cartridges, just wondering if the AI is worth it or not

Rifles / Re: 307 Alpine CT action screws
« on: October 13, 2024, 06:24:23 AM »
The way l read it
5. Small amount of blue compound
8. 35 lbs. / 55 lbs if the stock has aluminum bedding blocks

All use the compound, depending on stock type the amount of torque

I think no matter who wins this election we are in for rough times. If she wins, who knows what direction she will take us. The only way she wins is with a rigged election. That won’t go well.
If Trump wins, they will be after him in every way imaginable. They will try anything to not let him take office. And try to take him out as they already have. Riots in the cities.

I don’t see it as a peaceful time in our country for some time to come. Might want to stock up

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Predators
« on: October 01, 2024, 06:33:18 PM »
Got a double today at a new ranch. Rancher contacted me about coyotes. First stand a double. Total of 3 for the morning

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: This weekends hunt
« on: September 22, 2024, 08:37:51 PM »
Very nice! Congratulations!! Exciting weekend for sure

Wow very impressive! Congratulations Oscar

Very nice! Jealous for sure

Sounds like it was working good!
First day out here yesterday. Never seen a duck. There was a lot of ducks around 10 days ago, and none yesterday

Nice! Looks like a great time! I bet that 28 is almost perfect for Teal. What load did you shoot?

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