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Messages - John McLaughlin

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Like it muy bueno! JM

Para,I started with Nosler data for the 300 gr Partition since I'm using the 299 gr Shock Hammers, reduced max charge by 10% and worked up. I've settled on 74 gr of RL 17 with Fed 215 GM primers in RWS cases. I did get up to 76 but was getting pressure signs so dropped down to 74. Firing from a back pack rest (?) I've put 10 shots into 1.5 inches @ 100 yards. I can use the same loading for 300 gr Partitions. Chrono was 2670 fps. RL17 is very similar to 4350 in burn rate. It's big advantage is it's higher density that gets more powder (by weight) into the same volume as 4350 in the 375 H&H case. RWS cases are a bit heavier than others I've used, mainly PPU and a few Remingtons. The 281 gr Hammer Hunters look like a good choice also. JM

I'd talk to Steve @ Hammer Bullets. He usually ships in less than 72 hours. To my way of thinking "The best there is". JM

I also live in AZ and over the years have taken part in waterhole projects with the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society. The collectors do get damaged by large animals, (bears), rock falls, blowdowns etc. and need repairs. The sheep society does our projects in the winter months. It's a great time to be out in the desert. If you need a break from winter contact the society at www.adbss.org several projects are scheduled each season. JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Scammers.
« on: April 24, 2021, 12:44:07 PM »
Sucks big time. JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: weather
« on: April 22, 2021, 10:23:26 AM »
Tucson today, High:82, Low:57, great golf weather. Won't be long now before the century mark (100°+)will be monotonous till the end of October. JM

Rifles / Re: Which Rifle/Round
« on: April 14, 2021, 10:42:23 AM »
I'm a true blue 270 Roy man. It's my go to deer, antelope and sheep rifle. I'd use it for elk but for my 340 that needs exercise too, 250 gr NoslerPartition @3050 fps. Then there's my 375 H&H, (Weatherby Mark V Safari Classic) 300 gr Shock Hammers @ 2670 fps. Too many choices for elk, caribou, moose, bears. Damn!!! JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: weather
« on: April 12, 2021, 03:26:43 PM »
Pleasant !!! JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Marlin returning soon
« on: April 12, 2021, 03:23:25 PM »
Is Ruger going to utilize it's Prescott Arizona facility for Marlin production? JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: weather
« on: April 06, 2021, 05:51:04 PM »
Here in Tucson highs 86-94, lows 55-64, humidity under 10%. Our drought continues unabated. Was out in the desert today and mentally compared the vegetation now to last year which had a very wet winter. Then flowers everywhere, today it's "drier than a popcorn fart" no flowers at all. JM

Rifles / Re: Current Mark V DGR
« on: April 05, 2021, 07:13:11 AM »
Of you want a wood stock you have to go for the Safari model from the custom shop. Price is +$7000.00, French walnut with fleur de lis checkering, barrel band front swivel, express style rear sight, hooded front sight, and hand honed action. JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: Promotion
« on: April 04, 2021, 11:01:50 AM »
Good going!!! JM

Around the Campfire (General Discussion) / Re: My last redstag
« on: April 03, 2021, 06:26:53 PM »
Beautiful stag there. How many kilos did you get for your freezer? JM

Shotguns / Re: Orion Shotgun
« on: April 03, 2021, 07:28:43 AM »
Probably should look at the post dates on some of these threads. JM

Shotguns / Re: Orion Shotgun
« on: April 03, 2021, 07:27:20 AM »
I've had the SKB 12 ga Orion and a SKB built Athena III 12 ga. I gifted the Orion III to an old friend years ago. Believe he ended up gifting to his grandson just before he passed on. The Orion new was $1200.00 gun IIRC. The Athena I still have and it's brought down a bunch of So Dakota roosters. FWIW, it's price was $2400.00 JM

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