« on: November 03, 2024, 05:27:11 PM »
Just curious did you mount the scope base or someone else ? not saying this is the issue some times base screws can be a little long and interfere with the bolt, how does the bolt cycle with no ammo in it ? first and foremost ANY gun new or used do a tune up on it first to make sure every thing is as it should be and you familiarize yourself with it's function. When I mean tune-up , clean and oil it, check the screws, cycle it, grease places that need to be greased, CHECK THE BEDDING of the STOCK and make sure it's right. you can watch several you tubes if unsure. I don't care for pressure point in stocks fore ends, but some rifles a little pressure settles the barrel down and shoots better. just because you have some new super Gucci rifle whatever the brand don't mean it's tuned up properly unless it's a full on custom, if it does have fore end pressure built into the stock it's harder to get a feel if the rifles action is rocking between the action screws whereas a free floated barrel it's easy to tell if the action rocks when the screws are being tightened and loosened. I have had rifles that had metal chips or a little burr left in there from machining and it broke that tiny piece off when cycling the bolt, point is if it happens it ain't right and stop what you are doing to not create any more damage than what's already done. about 2 years ago a very good buddy said he was have problems closing and opening his bolt a very good old school bolt rifle (not a Weatherby) I loosened the action screws and guess what the bolt cycled just fine that told me one thing the stock bedding was bad we had to correct and build up the recoil lug mortice so it wouldn't bind the action, we noticed this later it put barely noticeable hairline cracks in both bolt lugs from repeated mis use, basically it ruined the rifle, you can not believe how much pressure can be put on a couple screws bending the action to where it wouldn't work. two other friends 2 different times great guy's but they don't know squat about a gun, both times elk hunting one of them went down to Wal Mart and bought a package rifle scope combo 30-06 we are walking out in the sticks and he see's this cow elk first so he racks a round in the chamber and absolutely locks the gun up ammo won't go in and won't come out, I pull my rifle up waiting on him to shoot and him fiddling around I couldn't wait on him anymore so I shot it , his said the action screws were so loose he tighten them down hard just before the hunt (BAD BEDDING) , another time another good friend I heard him shooting about a qtr mile away I bet he shot 10 to 12 rounds , I couldn't stand it anymore I got back in the truck and drove over to where he was and he said i don't know what's wrong he said he was missing every shot and he never hit the elk at 100 yds or less. 7mm Rem mag another well known rifle / scope combo. got back to camp put a paper plate on a log 25 yds out and I couldn't hit the plate, OK just use my wifes rifle she already got her elk we go down the 2 tract and there a small herd of elk, he get's out and all I see is my nickel plated brass flying on the ground the guns is not going off he is so excited he's not pulling the trigger, so I'm picking up loaded rounds trying to catch him, he runs out of ammo and that's including the extra ammo in the butt stock shell holder, I catch up with him give him the loaded ammo I picked and told him pull the trigger. you had to be there is was funny as hell, anyway he had the same rifle my other friend had trouble with just a different caliber (STOCK BEDDING ) was totally off and action screws were not even tight, I don't know if he ever had the rifle fixed he lives in a different state. Another time about 4 years ago I guess, my son and I were out bull hunting in a big bull area a guide and his client pull up while we were having a lunch break on the side by side anyway this guy has the same frekin rifle brand as my 2 friends years before, he just bought it two different kinds of factory ammo the guy says the rifle malfunctioned and couldn't get a shot on this bull, anyway you mind if I look at it, man it's not hitting the primer right, I kept looking at the case and sure enough the shoulder on the cases were set back and upon dropping the hammer it slide the ammo fore ward and left a slight indentation on the primer but not enough to set it off, the other box of ammo looked ok but he wasn't using that box of ammo, moral to the story if you are going to hunt go shoot your rifle , get as good as you can with it, take a spare rifle and extra ammo. hell I take at least 40 rounds with me for each rifle just in case. we have fell and broke scopes had to go buy new scope in the closest town had to re-sight, I got one very good hunter friend climbs like a goat he slipped and fell rock gave way he stepped on his pump shotgun stock broke it in half