I think the time of year has a LOT to do with it. My best guess is they have a large backlog right about now, and they have to take things on a first come first serve basis. I had a similar issue with time frame estimations when I put in an order to have a .300 Wby mag custom built. Order was put in around the first week of November, and finally got the rifle shipped late March.
I don't work there, or know what their backlog is like, or how they prioritize their incoming jobs, so I can't say how long it will take for your brake to be finished. But the way I see it, it isn't that they take so long because they don't care, it's that they take so long because they DO care. Better to have someone taking his time to get it right the first time than have some ham-fisted hack slam dance his way through the workload to make a quick buck and deal with the resulting screw ups.