Spike Camp

Interesting Reading


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Interesting Reading
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:24:18 AM »
I came across this article on the newsfeed about Washington State's Gun Control Initiative 594.  Midway in the article it reads "Then along comes Jameson Parker!"  It's a good read about ridiculous legislation and Jameson writes a good piece on the anti-democratic process of millionaires buying legislation in states they don't reside in.  Of course this article isn't in the mainstream media, but here is a link. 


The article also references Jameson's blog which is also very good reading.  You can see that at


Thank you Jameson for your great articles.


Re: Interesting Reading
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 03:00:54 PM »
Thank you for the kind words, Petey. I appreciate it. The really scary thing is that 99% of the country will never hear or think about this issue because right now it only--ho hum--affects guns in Washington State. But if the initiative drive succeeds, it could well someday affect a whole bunch of other laws that would benefit billionaires and have very negative consequences for those of us who can't buy the laws we want.

Truck Driver

Re: Interesting Reading
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2014, 07:17:48 AM »
Isn't that what Bloomberg and the rest of the Idiots have been doing?
They're afraid that one of their welfare crowd will get a stolen gun and pop a cap on them.
Instead of spending their money to help support law enforcement they just clutter the laws with new laws that can't be enforced or are ridicules. Spend the money to fight crime makes too much sense.