Of course they will lift the ban on hunting, they are not stupid and they understand and know how much $$$$$$ they (Government) will get from all the licenses, etc, etc.
Like I told a friend, most of these idiots don't even know where is Zimbabwe in Africa or how to spell it. Also, do these idiots know the child mortality rate, or unemployment rate of this country? Or that the villages get some of the meat from the animals taken. I'm sure they don't, and don't care. Bunch of stupid idiots who have no clue that the beef or chicken they are eating came from living animals that were butchered in a slaughter house. Just like the idiots who didn't want another oil rig in the ocean, however, they were all in plastic or polymer kayaks....go figure!
Maybe we should start naming all the chicken, pork & beef packs at the grocery stores. Maybe they will change their tunes.