Spike Camp

Cecil the lion


Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2015, 08:55:58 PM »
The big question is if he knew , if he was just going on what his PH had told him not sure he should be extridited.
People should not name wild animals . A 13 yr old lion in the wild would be on the down hill side of life, die from a bullet or from other lions attacking him for control of the pride. Either way he wasn't long for the world in any regard.
 If the dentist had an actual side contract and thought he was hunting under a legal permit , any good lawyer will be sure to keep him stateside.


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Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2015, 07:25:07 PM »
I have not been able to see the collar from all the footage shown on TV.  BTW, baiting for lion & leopards is legal in that country.   Pouching is a bigger factor in that poor country than what this doc did.
Senator John Kennedy  " If you support defunding the police, you've tested positive for stupid".


Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2015, 10:12:24 PM »
Hey guys letting people here know I just read a post on another forum from a hunter at the same conscession , said the hunt was legal and legit. There was no drag or bait set to lure any animal from the park, in fact they were hunting over a natural death elephant that showed signs of lion on it. 2 miles from park boundary. As ussual social media and mainstream media blew this out of proportion. Mostly because of Oxford University, basically the fall out from this will kill many humans in Zim as it stands 80% unemployment , this will likley make it 98%.
 And it sounds like this outfitter has done a Ton and I repeat a ton of work and donations to surrounding villages . He and his family also have payed for most of the fresh water wells drilled in the area for villages for clean drinking water.!
 Before we jump on the side of the wanna bees and Antis I suggest we wait for facts to be presented the mob mentality has not only stretched the truth in this case but has out right lied to further an agenda with far reaching repruccussions that they cannot fathom. 

Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2015, 11:57:24 PM »
Unfortunately, the hubbub and furor will be over and verdicts rendered by the foolish long before the truth is revealed. Then it won't be news and no one will bat an eye.
Do it right, and do it right the first time.


Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2015, 01:43:57 AM »
I want to wait and see what happens when all the facts come out,  problem is the damage has already been done for better or worst any publicity against right or wrongly accused hunters usually gets blown out of proportion.   


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Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2015, 06:25:42 AM »
As usual with the media,Guilty until proven innocent.This story will be dropped like a hot potato when the facts start coming out.
Retirement; The art of doing very little,very slowly

Expert; Someone who knows so much about so little

If you live in the swirl of the drain,inevitably you'll wind up in the cesspool.

Remember 10534

Sorry... Yesterday was the last and final day for any and all complaints whatsoever.


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Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2015, 07:03:43 PM »
Nope, this story will be dropped when the Kardashian gets a new butt job, or Caitlyn Jenner has a Nip tuck!!

As zonie stated, the damage is done, and the idiots who started all this are not going to admit it. 
Senator John Kennedy  " If you support defunding the police, you've tested positive for stupid".

O C hunter

Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2015, 02:11:29 PM »
The press will lie out there teeth on this one, (like most of the time) just a thought but aren't lions wild? having a collar on, you won't find me trying to scratch his ears


Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2015, 04:19:04 PM »
I see Zimbabwe has lifted the hunting ban and restarted all the furor . I`m waiting for more incredibly stupid comments on this situation from "our" president except he'll reserve that idiocy for Ferguson Missouri. :)


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Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2015, 06:06:17 PM »
Of course they will lift the ban on hunting, they are not stupid and they understand and know how much $$$$$$ they (Government) will get from all the licenses, etc, etc. 

Like I told a friend, most of these idiots don't even know where is Zimbabwe in Africa or how to spell it.  Also, do these idiots know the child mortality rate, or unemployment rate of this country?  Or that the villages get some of the meat from the animals taken.  I'm sure they don't, and don't care.  Bunch of stupid idiots who have no clue that the beef or chicken they are eating came from living animals that were butchered in a slaughter house.   Just like the idiots who didn't want another oil rig in the ocean, however, they were all in plastic or polymer kayaks....go figure! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( 

Maybe we should start naming all the chicken, pork & beef packs at the grocery stores.   Maybe they will change their tunes.
Senator John Kennedy  " If you support defunding the police, you've tested positive for stupid".


Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2015, 03:15:03 PM »
Great post, PARA45! Money talks!

Jay Kyle

Re: Cecil the lion
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2015, 09:08:45 PM »
Sad.. This is a problem in the new media age we live in - too many folks watch and just want to condemn others. No wonder we have shows like Nancy Grace and others that just stir the mud. But now the whole world watches and many over-react to the point where his life is ruined. Guilty or not we should rise above the noise and balance justice with mercy.
