Spike Camp

looking for some good calls


looking for some good calls
« on: August 06, 2008, 10:36:49 PM »
i hunt coyotes fox and bob cats in mid missouri. we have some open ground but a lot of woods.im looking for a good mid to close range call that sounds more like a small animal in distress instead of a bull elephant. plus all the calls i have like to freeze up .any sudgestions would be welcome.


Re: looking for some good calls
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 10:34:43 AM »
I really like the calls produced by Mark Zepp.  I first purchased his coon squaller and have been using it with great success on coyote, fox, and coon for a couple of years now.  Its all-aluminum construction is durable, and it seems to work great long after other calls are frozen up.  Since then I've purchased the Zepp's brand Rattler, which is a much louder and coarser call, and also the Zepp's M-44.  The M-44 is a closed single reed that is significantly quieter than either of the other 2 calls (they're both closed dual reed).

I've found that the squaller is fairly easy to create a wide range of volume with.  If blown right, you can taper it off to a whimper, but when you let it rip it will go the distance.  For me it did take a little practice to get good lower volume sounds out of the squaller, so u might consider the M-44.  Or if you're much like me, you'll end up with the whole product line...   ;D

Here's a link to huntsmart.com where you can purchase any of the Zepps line of calls:


Good luck and happy hunting


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Re: looking for some good calls
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 12:23:21 AM »
This is going to sound nutty as hell, but for medium and close in calling, I cut the reeds out of kids squeeze toys. They work great, and fit nicely into a Thompsons call body. I get the loudest ones i can find, which means i look like an idiot standing at the toy store squeezing all the toys, but i dont care...it works, and the kids on the block appreciate the new toys.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 12:25:24 AM by Arnold »
Molon Labe

tim b

Re: looking for some good calls
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2008, 03:38:21 PM »
I just had the pleasure of having met and visited with Les Johnson of Predator Quest about 2 months ago.  I spent about 2 hours with him just picking his mind, and ended up buying his Ruffidawg, Jr. call.  I have been out once this year already and called in a coyote with it.

You can get it from his website at www.predatorquest.com.  The other call I have had tremendous success with is the Tally-Ho.  You can get these for about $7.00 from Cabelas or try AllPredatorCalls website.

Good Luck!


Re: looking for some good calls
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2009, 09:43:28 AM »
If you can use electronic calls. Fox Pro is about the best but a little pricey.

I hear that Primos' Power Dog is great but has been on back order since it was introduced. It is priced right and has a remote control.

In Missouri woods I would think about any decent remote control call would be sufficient.

Look into a mojo critter to attract the dogs attention. My experience is that bobcats will sneak in and watch it will be very hard to see them in the woods. Dogs might run in but will hesitate only a short while after they see the critter and understand the call is not a realy rabbit.

Might want to use a shotgun long shots are what everyone gets ready for but that usually involves a high powered scope it is difficult to find a coyote moving in the brush in a 6.5 to 20 scope.


Re: looking for some good calls
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 10:34:24 PM »
I called my first coyote in 1971 and used a PS OLT call. I could vary the tone to resemble a fawn/yearling or Jackrabbit. I have lost this priceless call and would give my left nut to find it again! Anybody who ever trapped knows what a true dying rabbit sounds like, caught in a trap we would stand on their rib cage and  memorize that exazt sound later while calling. Once you have that sound engrained into your noggin you never forget. Nothing beats an inexpensive call in the hands of an experienced hunter. Sit back to back when able as they will circle in behind when weary, and never call alone. With all the gadgets out now it pleases me that even at full volume in a wind some of my older hunting friends 100 yards away can't even hear these new electric "Gadgets" calling. Randy Anderson has a Primos DVD that has common sense and good ideas mixed in for some great footage on what real world calling is all about. Any good rabbit call mixed in after a Howler for locating is a good start. Home made squeakers are also necessary. Movement by the "non caller" is key, Rifle Safetys are off, the caller has stealth in camo and movement. I have used anything from a 22lr to a 30-06, any good placed shot will work. It should not cost a fortune to work a routine with a friend 1/2 gas! and get out and learn together. Watch the DVD (sportsman's warehouse) and take notes.

This is also a must have item


« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 10:42:46 PM by A_Gamehog »