We can argue the merits of the 6.5 Wby forever, but you know what, its here, Now, and its here to stay. I’m sure Nosler inc. will post persuasive opinions on why their 26 and 28 are better suited as long range rifles than the 6.5 Wby, and there are always some people who present clever arguments to keep the ripples in the water and defend their own point of view. The fact is, the market will determine the success of the 6.5, and marketing (and our support) will play a huge part in that. Sometimes need is the mother of invention, sometimes its oneupmanship, and sometimes its creative people who look for ways to improve and listen to ideas that can lead to building that better mouse trap. Sometimes innovations flop, like the Ford Edsel, and sometimes there a huge success like the Weatherby MK V, but acceptance by the populace is what it takes. As has been stated, need and want are two entirely different things, and I’m betting that everyones wife has a closet full of shoes that probably haven't been worn but once or twice for special occasions, and its fruitless to ask why they can’t wear something they already have. Some guys have 4 or 5 rifles, and some guys have 50, everyone is different. You can’t change a nay sayers mind, if its already made up, but its their worthy opinion. In the end we only need to convince ourselves to justify buying any product, and we usually don’t care what anyone else thinks. When I buy something special, I always say”Who more than me deserves this”. JMO