My girls, 11 and 12, finally went through their firearms hunters safety course so they can get their licenses to hunt. My 12 year old can hunt this year and we have been practicing with a little Parker 410 break action that an old timer loaned to her for pheasant season. I can't wait! She is exited for her first pheasant hunt in 2 weeks (well the first where she is shooting. And I guarantee she gets the first shot at every bird because the guys I go with will be just as excited as I am.)
This past weekend, I realized I changed scopes on my .243 and I needed to sight it in for deer season for her. We popped up to the range for a bit and I gotta everything sighted in and then let her at it. She's a little thing, but loves shooting my Vanguard Sporter. She was dead on at 50 yds (I sight in 2in high at 100yds). Then she said, "but I'm using a shooting stick and sitting in a blind, so I need to practice that way." No problem at all!
We are both excited because she gets a crack at rifle season before everyone else. Junior hunting days run Nov 4 to 11 and I can't hunt til the 15th. I've always seen the most deer that first week in Nov and always on Veterans day. She is ready!
The only rub, I may have overstepped my proud papa bit and offered that she can 'have' the rifle if it works well for her if she sticks with hunting. Yup, I'm pretty sure that one is no longer mine.