Thank you all.
Haggis: Just FYI, the rut hasn't started here yet. We're forecasting the start in the next two to three weeks. The snow has fallen but has not stuck for more than a couple of days. Bring warm clothes but be prepared to dress down as the goes on or you'll be sweating. Last suggestion I have is to hunt the whole day as the deer were moving pretty well throughout. There was significant wind last saturday (day prior to opening) and the deer acted completely different then on Sunday when the died down. They still moved but patterns weren't near what they were when the winds were cold during preseason. Good luck and have fun!
TheONE73: Thank you for the comment. My daughter enjoys the deer far more than my boy. I just had to buy her a camouflage jacket a week ago. She calls it her "deer jacket."
JB257460: Thank you as well. I, too, am pretty fortunate to have the array of goodies. The fly rod and shot gun are at least fifteen years old. They've been good to me.