Spike Camp

Looking for insight on my project

Looking for insight on my project
« on: November 03, 2019, 07:30:04 AM »
I picked up a Weatherby Vanguard. It’s in a 300 win mag. Weatherby puts the born on of Oct/Nov of 1973. They assume it started as a 26” (before the break)/#2 contour. I picked this up from a friend on the cheap. It was his elk rifle that he never shot a elk with lol. He picked it up used.  He had good accuracy results with his hand loads. I hate the stock. It’s the Butler creek Tupperware stock. The length of pull is atrocious for me. I’ve shot it at the range once (multiple shots) with another scope on it. It was shot good (I don’t remember the group size). I really like how little recoil it has.

I’d like to put a new stock on it. I’d like to find a Weatherby take off. Struggle bus finding one. Next best option would be a B&C. My last option is something like a Boyd’s. My barrel channel is about 0.720”. The barrel diameter is about 0.701”. It definitely has pressure point rubs on the barrel. One in the channel and another between the barrel channel and front lug where a cross member is in the stock. I found some minor pitting in the barrel channel. That can be sanded down though.

I’ve bedded one build I did and impressed the local gunsmith. I don’t mind doing this one but this isn’t a 250y gun (bedded a 450 BM Mauser I made) either like the last one. I’d like to bed this.

I also want to redo the finish. Torn between a flat black Cerakote and hot blue.

I’m going to verify my accuracy as it’s setup today. Then with whatever stock I choose. Shoot that then make the decision on bedding.

Any thoughts? I’ve done a lot of googling, cost analysis and ebay’n. I want results for this build. Looking input on approach/thoughts and experiences.

Some pictures:


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Re: Looking for insight on my project
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2019, 09:32:49 AM »
Search gunbroker for stocks
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