Spike Camp

South Africa ammunition regulations


South Africa ammunition regulations
« on: March 10, 2020, 04:05:57 PM »
Checking with TSA I can pack my ammo and rifles together. But I’m not clear on south africa policy. Some things I see say ammo must be packed separately.  Anyone else from the USA, who has hunted South Africa, what did you do? I was thinking of bringing a small pelican case to stow the ammo. What say you?


Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 05:45:31 PM »
Checking with TSA I can pack my ammo and rifles together. But I’m not clear on south africa policy. Some things I see say ammo must be packed separately.  Anyone else from the USA, who has hunted South Africa, what did you do? I was thinking of bringing a small pelican case to stow the ammo. What say you?

Pretty sure it has to be in a ammo case
Sent you a message

Mike .257


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Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2020, 12:49:03 AM »
I have always packed mine in a lockable container and separate from my rifles.
Aussie gun nut.

Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2020, 06:59:33 PM »
Ammo has to be separate luggage in a lockable case. Have you done your 520 form for SAPS and S A customs. You need your rifle documented on a current US Customs form 4473. Rifle must be brought to US Customs office. Make an appointment with US Customs. SCI can help you or AfricaSky ($150 fee)

Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2020, 07:51:14 AM »
I missed this somehow, so my apologies.

I live in South Africa. You can download the regulations from the websites; but I guess a lot of it is a moot point now given how travel restrictions work. Despite what it has said on the sites in the past they have pretty much insisted on a lockable separate (i.e. not in the gun case) container. I also use a small Pelican case, but thy are heavy. You can also use a petty cash tin, or I've even used and old MTM pistol case with the lining torn out (very light). The weight cannot exceed 5kg for the ammo. One worthwhile trick is to weigh it without the padlocks in place and to put them on at the gun check counter.
I shoot cases with a belt because I feel the other cartridges need to pull their trousers up.

Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2022, 07:09:52 PM »
I am from Australia. This is my first post. In July my wife and I hunted Namibia. For the leg from Australia our airline (Qantas) requires ammunition packaged in a separate locked container and placed in our checked luggage bag. For the leg from J/Burg to Namibia the ammunition had to be checked in separately (out of our luggage bag). The container we used was steel petty cash locked and taped. All OK
Graham 375


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Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2022, 09:05:32 PM »
I am from Australia. This is my first post. In July my wife and I hunted Namibia. For the leg from Australia our airline (Qantas) requires ammunition packaged in a separate locked container and placed in our checked luggage bag. For the leg from J/Burg to Namibia the ammunition had to be checked in separately (out of our luggage bag). The container we used was steel petty cash locked and taped. All OK
Graham 375

G'day Graham, how's thing's mate? Hope all is good.
Aussie gun nut.

Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2022, 11:45:11 PM »
Hi Brett,
Great to hear from you. Fiona & I hunted Namibia in July. Got some great trophies. I've only done one post on Weatherby One Nation & having trouble navigating. Took my 375 Weatherby Safari rifle over and got 4 animals with 4 shots (2 were difficult hard earned shots) I'd put our pics up but I don't know how to do it?
Hows your hunting going lately?
Cheers mate


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Re: South Africa ammunition regulations
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2022, 05:27:44 PM »
Great to hear mate. I haven't been back to Africa since 2018 where I hunted cape buff and plains game. I just recently returned from the NT where I took a nice water buffalo, great scrub bull and Jaz shot some pigs and a wild dog. I used my .375 Wby mag on that hunt and am really loving that caliber. If you go up to the header "Around the campfire" my post from that hunt will be in there. Under the heading "A Northern Territory Hunt in Australia". The Around the Campfire is where most discussions take place.
It is hard to post photos on here as they need to be very low res or they wont post. You need to click on the Attachments and other options on the bottom left hand side then tap choose file.
Glad to hear you are doing well and still knocking over plenty of critters.
Aussie gun nut.