Spike Camp

need experts help

need experts help
« on: January 28, 2009, 12:23:28 PM »
hello all, very nice site i'm glad i found it!

k, this seems like a good place to get some answers. family friends of mine are going through a husbands battle with athsiemers. she asked me to get all there guns out and sell them for her, the one i need help with is a...

 Weatherby 300 mag
FN 1954
made in belgium
southgate calif.
chrome bore

the bore and action are in good shape but... the stock is shatterd in multiple pieces :'(, what do you think it is worth? and where could a guy get a stock? i was planing on buying a 300 winmag this spring, so i am pretty sure i  will buy it from the family, as it seems like a good action to start a custom rifle, i just wanna make sure i can find a stock that will work.

thanks for you help on the matter and any input on the gun or stock situation. if i do end up buying it i'm sure i will be aroung here alot


Re: need experts help
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 04:27:26 PM »
Not an expert but the .300 mag is one of the nicest rifles you could own.  Weatherby has a custom gunshop on their website, Weatherby.com as well as other custom shops.  Don't know what you want to spend, but check out www.accurateinovations.com.  They make really nice stocks (but expensive)  Good luck.


Re: need experts help
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 05:41:51 PM »
You can replace the stock with just the turn of a couple of screws.  You want walnut or laminated?  Check out www.boydsgunstocks.com have used several of their stocks.  A good stock at a fair price.


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Re: need experts help
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 06:38:39 PM »
Any 98 Mauser stock should fit it.if your willing to spend a little money,McMillan has Mauser actions for sale and HS Percision probably does too.With the stock busted the barreled action is only worth about 450$.
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Re: need experts help
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2009, 10:03:30 PM »
thanks for the timely replies! so basically any stock i can find that accepts the 98 mauser action will work, corect? someone brough up walnut or laminated... i know i may get scolded for this but i actually prefer a good fiberglass stock(black w/ grey webbing). i know the gun is a classic and should where a high quility walnut stock but its not going to be a show piece its going to be hunted in any weather anywhere. but thats why they make different styles for differents tastes. right?


Re: need experts help
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 06:03:36 PM »
They tell me Bell and Carlson provides the synthetic stocks for the Vanguards.  They probably have just what your looking for.


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Re: need experts help
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 10:11:50 PM »
B&C makes a stock for the Mauser action.  You can even get it in their Medalist line of stocks, which are like the Accumark stock, complete with decelerator recoil pad and full length aluminum bedding block.  Expect to spend between $225-250, depending on what delivery runs you.  Also expect to wait a number of weeks (4-6, usually).
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Re: need experts help
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2009, 09:00:02 AM »
b&c makes a nice stock and they have the color i want. i'm just so glad i can not only find stocks for this gun but that i have a choice.  i also found this place http://www.rifle-stocks.com/. the reason i've never been a huge fan of wood stocks because some just look so blaaa and have no caracter, but this place i can get a grade AA fancy walnut stock with pad and all for about $300. hard to beat that. take a look at the duel-grip, functional and good looks.