hello all, very nice site i'm glad i found it!
k, this seems like a good place to get some answers. family friends of mine are going through a husbands battle with athsiemers. she asked me to get all there guns out and sell them for her, the one i need help with is a...
Weatherby 300 mag
FN 1954
made in belgium
southgate calif.
chrome bore
the bore and action are in good shape but... the stock is shatterd in multiple pieces

, what do you think it is worth? and where could a guy get a stock? i was planing on buying a 300 winmag this spring, so i am pretty sure i will buy it from the family, as it seems like a good action to start a custom rifle, i just wanna make sure i can find a stock that will work.
thanks for you help on the matter and any input on the gun or stock situation. if i do end up buying it i'm sure i will be aroung here alot