Griz that does look very good, I got some more KG 12 in along with KG 1 carbon remover been playing with both KG's in one rifle and it does a good job. I'm starting to like Patch out the more I use it, along with their Accelerator and Tactical Advantage bore cleaner by leaving them in for a few hours, or leaving the Patch Out only over night. Where I've ran into the biggest problem is not the Copper removal but rather getting the blackened bore back to it's normal color ( it looks clean with no carbon deposits that I can tell just dark in color). I cleaned my son's old Rem 721 and it's a 70 year old rifle the bore didn't actually look that bad it was my mom's old rifle I gave to my son, anyway in the grooves it was a brilliant copper color and the lands were jet black about halfway down the barrel it actually looked kind of cool, the leade has some heat checks but minor, so I surmise the rifle hasn't been shot all that much. It took me 2 days to get it clean and leaving it sit over night, but still has some darkening in the bore I don't think it's going to come out, and I don't think it's going to make a difference anyway just looking at the overall condition of the bore. I'm impressed. One thing I did notice very quickly the Patch out products are a little strong on the skin I had some cuts on my hand and didn't use protective gloves and I felt it very quickly , kind of polished my finger prints. Not Ammonia based, I'm not sure what chemicals are in it. In one rifle I was having a harder time with one small spot of copper that was not coming out using Patch out so I degreased the bore and let it dry and ran a tight bronze brush and did the old dry brush method and it took the small copper. I've done this dry bronze brush in the past and knocked out some of the dried carbon/powder deposits before I ran carbon cleaner or bore cleaner seems to work, I won't use any stainless brushes in the bore I leave those for cylinder brushes for revolvers.