Back in February I had originally loaded my LM in 257Wby with 100gr Nosler Partitions and RL25.
We took three deer in March on a nuisance deer hunt, two at 300+ yards and one at 55 yards. The Nosler did what Nosler claims.
However, my 2007 Weatherby Catalog showed the Hornady SP as retaining slightly more weight than the Partition - I loaded some up with the 100gr SP and she shot marvelous.
Our deer season just closed last weekend and although I didn't score on a buck, I did manage to harvest 3 does with the Hornady's.
All three were relatively close shots under 100 yards and I was VERY impressed to say the least. The velocity was a little over 3700fps and all the bullets held up very well with one fully penetrating a good 30 inches of whitetail (hit the last rib and exited neck just inside the far shoulder). No jackets were recovered and two of the deer were flattened on the spot...the third stiffened-up, appeared to tip-toe, stopped and timbered over like a tree after 30 yards. That one was hit broadside in the center of the ribs, for a double lung shot, and there was a grapefruit sized "bulge" under the skin on the off-side.
An Elk may need more bullet - but, for my purposes I'm sticking with the old, tried and true, 100gr Hornady Spire Point!