Spike Camp

257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn


257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« on: September 17, 2007, 07:29:37 PM »
        257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn. My cousin called the other night
 to tell me , he wants us to take a trip out west next year. I would like some input on
the 257 for the above hunt. What bullet should I use.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 09:34:05 PM »
I am a big fan of the Nosler Partition in any caliber for any animal.

Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 10:20:13 PM »
Timmax - I know 2 guys that used the 257 on the same hunt you are talking about - both filled tags on all animals. There are a lot of bullet choices, but I would very much consider the Barnes TSX, especially for an open range hunt where knockdown power is key on longer shots. Check the ballistics tables for the ranges you think you'll be shooting.
Good luck-

Force Feed

Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 10:52:00 PM »
  I can think of no better caliber than the 257WBY for your hunt. You might look at the Nosler 110 Accubond also as a bullet option. Now that it is being loaded by Weatherby its an excellent choice for what your going to do.

Good luck can't wait to see the pictures..


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 01:22:10 PM »
I would have to suggest the Nosler Accubond.  If you handload try it with IMR-7828.  Great combo.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2007, 08:10:12 PM »
let your rifle dictate which bullet that [it wants ;) to group best]...many well constucted bullets out there...nps..coppersie.tsx..failsafes..your rifle may only shoot well with one or the other..Ray264


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2007, 10:07:08 PM »
I have to agree with the advice given by ray264 in this stream. I've used nearly all the bullets available in factory loads for the .257. They will all work for your purposes, and a lot more. So shoot as many types as you can and pick the one that shoots the best. You'll have the most confidence in it, and success will follow. Who knows, maybe you'll have one of those rifles that shoots 2 or 3 types and weights well. Good luck and post your pictures!


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2007, 03:55:26 PM »
Went on my first Wyoming combo hunt in '85 and needed a flatter rifle. I immediately ordered a 257 with all the goodies. As Fibermarks were new it took almost a year to get it.
It's been the most versatile rifle I own. Absolutely perfect for Antelope and Deer out to 400 yds with a proper rest and 100 bullets. I shoot Nosler Partitions as they will not come apart at Weatherby velocities. It's taken everything from PDogs to African game.
It is not the most accurate rifle, but 1" at 100 yards is plently good for hunting. Mine happens to like IMR 4350. 65 Grains gives me right around 3650 fps. I can back down and get tighter groups, but things seem to be fine where they are.

nd wbynut

Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2007, 01:01:25 PM »
257 is a great caliber for deer and antelope.  I have tried quite a few different bullets in mine.  I started out with 120gr sierra game kings.  Dropped down to 100 gr.  Love the velocity out of them.  Have tried speer grand slams, barnes x bullets, nosler partitions and ballistic tips.  Found my best accuracy with the ballistic tips.  You got to watch bullet placement because they can get rather nasty. Going to try a few accubonds next.  Great cartridge, never had a tracking problem.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2007, 09:02:58 PM »
Boy I sure hope it's a good round for that....I bought a Vanguard Deluxe in .257 Wby Mag to do all my big game hunting here in CO.

I'm a numbers geek and after going blind looking at charts- plus I've yet to read anything but a glowing review of the round by any gun writer- I figured old Roy knew a thing or two and followed that lead.

I think the country has gone super magnum crazy. I'll save my shoulder and still kill game just as dead as the guy eating 40 ft/lbs of recoil.

Painted Horse

Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2007, 05:29:48 AM »
I've shot a lot of mule deer and couple of elk with 120g Partitions. I've lately become a fan of the Barnes TSX in 100 grain for Antelope and deer and 115g for deer and the occassional elk.  If elk is my primary game, I'll usually carry a 270 or 30 caliber rifle

The caliber will do the job for your combo hunt.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2007, 12:06:39 AM »
i agree with ray.   shoot what your rifle wants to shoot.  i had great shots with the tsk.  i am in love with that bullet now.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2007, 08:56:59 PM »
Back in February I had originally loaded my LM in 257Wby with 100gr Nosler Partitions and RL25.
We took three deer in March on a nuisance deer hunt, two at 300+ yards and one at 55 yards. The Nosler did what Nosler claims.

However, my 2007 Weatherby Catalog showed the Hornady SP as retaining slightly more weight than the Partition - I loaded some up with the 100gr SP and she shot marvelous.
Our deer season just closed last weekend and although I didn't score on a buck, I did manage to harvest 3 does with the Hornady's.
All three were relatively close shots under 100 yards and I was VERY impressed to say the least. The velocity was a little over 3700fps and all the bullets held up very well with one fully penetrating a good 30 inches of whitetail (hit the last rib and exited neck just inside the far shoulder). No jackets were recovered and two of the deer were flattened on the spot...the third stiffened-up, appeared to tip-toe, stopped and timbered over like a tree after 30 yards. That one was hit broadside in the center of the ribs, for a double lung shot, and there was a grapefruit sized "bulge" under the skin on the off-side.
An Elk may need more bullet - but, for my purposes I'm sticking with the old, tried and true, 100gr Hornady Spire Point!


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2007, 04:51:14 PM »
I've done that combo hunt using Wby factory 120-grain partition loads, and I can't think of anything I'd rather use instead. It groups sub-moa at 100 our of my Vanguard, and virtually everything I've shot with that round to date has dropped in its tracks. On the combo hunt, I shot the mulie at 250 yards and the pronghorn at 304. The 100-grain loads may be a bit faster, but the 120 puts them down for keeps. Of course, that assumes you do your part and put the bullet in the boileroom. I'm sighted 3 inches high at 100, which puts the 120-grainer dead-on at 300.


Re: 257 for combo hunt of mule deer and pronghorn
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2008, 03:52:43 PM »
 Thank you all for your input. So far the 110 gr Accubonds have given me good results.
Now I have to wait for spring time to set a range for 300 and 400 yards to see what they do at that range. My groups are 1/2 MOA at 100 and 200 yards.