Spike Camp

.240 versus Muledeer buck

.240 versus Muledeer buck
« on: October 17, 2021, 10:54:12 PM »
We were hunting the high burnt ridges of a large wild fire that burned in Grant Co. Oregon in 2015, the area is ripe for muledeer, we were now sitting on 4 bucks, and 12 does, all Bedded 75 yards from public land. We tucked them in at 10:30 am, then crawled out, went for lunch, spoke about the issue to the group and went back for the afternoon hunt to see if they decided to move. We snuck back in, reached the 285 yard mark and stopped to readdress the situation. No change.  :( Bedded within 30’ of the place we left them. So at 4:30 pm they decide to move and feed down, we make our move to gain ground and peak over the rim and see if they are headed toward us or further into private ground. We sneak up 30’ to a better spot, resettle, grab glass, start scanning…….nothing. WTH! Where did they go, I ask my wife, “what just happened”. We start scanning and there they are up the ridge and onto the BLM we were hunting on, they went across, not down, thank goodness, they crossed the wire fence and were clearly legal. We scanned for the 2 large bucks we were watching….nothing, just does, then my wife says, “up above the does, there is the buck!” Sure enough I glass up a nice buck, a move to a burnt dead log, throw up the range finder, it’s scans twice at 360 yards, I ask her if she wants the shot, she says no too far for me, I say okay I am taking it….place the .240 Weatherby on the burnt branch, aim 4” over the back, he is quartering up hill away from me, slow squeeze, and next thing we see is him rolling down the hill about 10 times.
The hit was high back, under the spine, top of the lungs, he rolled and then walked about 75 yards then piled up. A wild ride. The buck we killed was not one of the 4 we were watching, it was one we didn’t see that was moved by the deer crossing the drainage. He was a good buck, big mule head and ears, nice species for the area. The pack out was in the dark with one head lamp in steep ground, but we both had smiles on our faces!
Mark V Carbine Stainless 7mm-08
Mark V Standard Stainless 30-06
Mark V Ultra Lightweight 240 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Ultra Lightweight .280 Rem.
Mark V Accumark 270 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Alaskan 7mm Weatherby Mag

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2021, 11:26:45 PM »
Congratulations, nice looking buck! Great story too! Maybe you should site your 240 in for at least 300 so you don’t have to hold so high? I’ve never been on a rifle hunt for mule deer, I might have to try one some day.

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2021, 11:37:16 PM »
nice buck  8) you and your 240 did good. Personally, I like hunting mule deer, I prefer it over hunting whitetail any day.



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Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2021, 07:19:44 AM »
Great memories, Weatherby rifles, and a “good buck” what more can you ask for
Thanks for sharing

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2021, 06:16:38 PM »
Congratulations, nice looking buck! Great story too! Maybe you should site your 240 in for at least 300 so you don’t have to hold so high? I’ve never been on a rifle hunt for mule deer, I might have to try one some day.

You read my mind. After the hunt I realized I could be zeroed at 300 yards and be dead on out to 360 and not have a hold over till after 400 yards. I think I will set that up for next year. Thanks for tha advice. 👍🏻
Mark V Carbine Stainless 7mm-08
Mark V Standard Stainless 30-06
Mark V Ultra Lightweight 240 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Ultra Lightweight .280 Rem.
Mark V Accumark 270 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Alaskan 7mm Weatherby Mag


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Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2021, 11:55:45 AM »
Congratulations Finnman! Love that drop tine on the rack. Don't know if drop tines are common on mule deer, but it's a great added attraction. 

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2021, 06:51:37 PM »
Congratulations Finnman! Love that drop tine on the rack. Don't know if drop tines are common on mule deer, but it's a great added attraction.

Thanks for the compliment.
I only have two droptine muledeer that I have shot, both from eastern Oregon. Not sure if there is a theme going on here or not?

Mark V Carbine Stainless 7mm-08
Mark V Standard Stainless 30-06
Mark V Ultra Lightweight 240 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Ultra Lightweight .280 Rem.
Mark V Accumark 270 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Alaskan 7mm Weatherby Mag

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2021, 08:12:09 PM »
Finnman... Congrats on the score. Nice to see a 240 taking game. What ammo/bullet were you using?

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2021, 10:34:02 AM »
Finnman... Congrats on the score. Nice to see a 240 taking game. What ammo/bullet were you using?

Thanks Bill.
I was using 100 gr. Nosler partitions, these are loaded to 3200 FPS. Not as hot as the factory Weatherby loads but still lethal.
Mark V Carbine Stainless 7mm-08
Mark V Standard Stainless 30-06
Mark V Ultra Lightweight 240 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Ultra Lightweight .280 Rem.
Mark V Accumark 270 Weatherby Mag
Mark V Alaskan 7mm Weatherby Mag

Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2021, 08:40:03 PM »
The 240 is one of my favorite Weatherby calibers. I've used it to hunt whitetails here in Pa with good success. I've had a couple 240's In the Ultra Lightweight rifles. I've always found the Ultras somewhat finicky. I bought a new Wyoming made Accumark a year or so ago but have yet to find the time to even get a scope mounted on it yet and sighted in. Leaving for a elk hunt in two days. Hope to finally get the Accumark scoped and sighted in for Pa's opening rifle season once I return.


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Re: .240 versus Muledeer buck
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2021, 12:34:30 AM »
awesome deer - great story! Very cool that you and your wife enjoyed this together! Thank you for sharing -