I could write a book on this, but will give you a short version if that's possible. I'd say hunting them is like hunting a White tail - Mule deer cross. Their behavoir is a bit of both but also the country will dictate how you hunt them. You can glass them, sit on a stand with other hunters conducting a drive towards you, But I've had the best luck when I've "pushed" these deer down and across canyons basically just walking really slow, stopping a lot and just watching. Stop twice as long as you walk and don't walk very far at a time. Usually you'll catch them stairing at you, frozen perfectly still in the brush or trying to sneak out over the next ridge or doubling back up the draw you're in. Start in whatever low country you have (cold air sinks in the morning) and steadily climb up and across the mountain. Then during mid day the air is warming drop down about a 1/4 or 1/3 or the way and slowly hunt across the tops of the draws, (the wind or breeze should be drifting up and away from the direction you're hunting). During the middle of the day bucks will bed just below the tops of ridges not neccesarily the main ridge either but the little side ridges that sprout off the main one. This position gives them the ability to smell updrafts from the back side of the ridge and see down the ridge below them. Reverse this in the evening as the air cools and starts to sink again, hunting up and out and back to the truck. This is going to sound odd, but don't forget to look behind you periodically. Unless you are hunting pretty open country, which means you can forget the above advice and just spend lots of time glassing, they will sit tight in the brush and let you walk right past them then sneak away behind you. I've killed lots of bucks that way and on at least one occasion, almost stepped on a bedded buck before he jumped. I'm guessing you are hunting the A zone based on the amount of hunting days you mentioned were left. The best hunting is just around the corner, the last week or two so don't give up. AND, I've killed as many bucks in the middle of the day while everybody else was napping, eating lunch, lying to each other etc. Hunting in the middle of the day is a lot easier to do when it's cooler later in the season. So pack a sandwich and spend the day moving slowly and glassing. You won't get tired, you'll get away from the roads AND other hunters. The deer WILL be up and moving, you just want to be in a good position to see them. Speaking of which, it's absolutely critical to have good binocs (the best you can afford, then squeeze the grocery bill some more, you won't regret it), and used to using them. Also, I never hunt without a spotting scope. Saves lots of walking. Everytime I've left it at home I've regretted it. This is what's worked for me, there are likely lots of other ways to hunt these deer. Hopefully, other's on this site will share their advice and experiences with you. But like I said above, don't get discouraged. Get out and hunt. The worst that can happen is you get some excersize, see some beautiful country, and get some time to yourself. Oh, and don't forget to POST THE PICTURE OF YOU AND YOUR BUCK!
all the best,